Thursday, November 19, 2015

Things are a changing here at HCC

Things are a changing here at HCC. It's here and now that I publicly announce that Highway Hooker Toewing , will be changing our company name to Rode Wolf Toewing, effective February 1st 2016. This falls in line with something that my Bishop talked to me about Wednesday night, and a rare but serious encounter in CokeVille Wyoming a few years back. While many who use and used a CB Radio years ago, especially truckers, understood that a Hooker was in fact a tow truck in CB slang. However that does not translate well to the public, especially the ultra reserved and religious mindeset of southwestern Wyoming. While a wolf might be a bit extreme, its meant to deliver the idea that when one needs a tow truck especially serious recovery or a tough tow; rather than call for another service(The Sheep) in our area , if you want the ones that go the extra mile, you call us(the Wolf).  Truly we are the wolf in amongst the sheep. In a real sense the:
 Have been will continue to be the ones who fight the system to do excellent work and service at Reasonable prices. 
More in the morning.