Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Nobody realizes or cares about the final impact or sacrifice I have made because they say they could help

This is not completely regarding my current shop partner Rick, it's the idiots and/or idiot that never paid their fair share of the shop. To them there was no loss. After all their names were not on the contract, only one mine and the MC. The MC(Motorcycle Club) didn't want nothing to do with Evanston Wyoming. There just is not anything here. The only thing in the eyes of the MC as far as Wyoming, is its a road to Sturgis and back. Past that they don't care. Once I had rented the shop in May, and things went sour nothing coming in and Delbert giving up on the shop, by June I was in the process of bowing out and headed back to Twin Falls. But in the course of selling a bunch of scrap lumber and a delipidated trailer, to some drug addict, who said , hey he'd come into partnership. June's Rent got paid, and by a miracle so did July's barely. But come August, no money from Nathen, and as far as the power bill , phone bill, I gave Nathen's old lady the money, but she spent it on day care for children that was not mine, plus other expenses of their own, yea some partner. I have had to milk the hind teat of our Church ward all too many times to get bailed out, so I could at least keep a roof over my head, and eat. At the end of the day it wasn't Joey's ass, or Nathen's ass, and while a loss, still wouldn't be Rick's butt being fried in court and loosing everything, its mine. I just hope that some serious talking can save the operation here. We have the work, we have tow business, but one truck being out and the other still in Boise, can't go tow, even with the storms that are approaching. We have moto club clients, insurance referals, and so on, but again we're screwed. If there is anyone out there that could throw this old Wolf a bone here, of around $1,500.00 we could pay that back in a month. But we need the help NOW.  I came here to resurrect a radio station, build a TV station, rescue a aging bar, and then go tow and build bikes. As it is, I'm about to loose everything , for absolutely nothing. I thought more than twice, about just staying put in Twin Falls a week or so ago, when LexiBelle was being so fussy about coming over here. Another time I should've listened to my truck. But I'm here now and this tower needs a boost, so Shawn and all if you have $1,500.00 or so you could send me or bring over I'd be greatful.