Friday, November 13, 2015

Technology especially web traffic is still very much in its infancy

If your expecting an answer from a major player in some help forum, like the one from Google's Blogger or even Microsoft's especially dealing with Internet Explorer anything, don't expect much of an answer if you get one at all. 
The idea that computers and technology will soon be as advanced as we used to see on ScyFy TV series or movies will not be possible for at least 500 years into our future, if it happens at all. If those dealing in the gateways of the cyber highway, like Google, Facebook and Microsoft keeps fighting and decides to not work together, as they should, its going to be a condition of ye who has the most cash gets the best services, rather than a way to learn and/or share information. What you used to get absolutely free is more directed to lean to those who want to pay for it. Examples are all over the place, but from WordPress to Blogger there's a price to be paid, or its drifting to becoming paid only and little if anything free . 
Have you ever noticed though that all those so called technical problems you have with your local Internet service vendor, fades once your bill is fully paid? They say it does not matter, and will so called escalate you to some higher tier tech geek. Bottom line, if you get even the slightest behind on the bill, you get throttled back or to a slightly lower quality package. Such was the case with me and AllWest here in Wyoming. Seems I lost a channel and picture quality is to be desired. In the same lane, same thing with Internet. It's there, but not the broadband bandwidth , that I'm used to. Any way may we live long and prosper, but our cyber highway ride is going to be bumpy for many years to come.