Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Whatever effects HazzardAyre Radio effects the shop and Highway Hooker Toewing

I have said this in so many places, in so many ways, and now it looks like the great comeback of HCC and Highway Hooker Toewing, may be at an end. There is still hope that our illustrious landlord of the shop will not give us the boot, but I'd be fibbing if I said I was positive about that. However here's the thing and its not any big news. What effects HazzardAyre Radio effects both the shop and of course that effects Highway Hooker Toewing. HazzardAyre Radio is a perfect path to the funds needed to sustain and support the shop. Now it's not like I haven't tried to explain this to both my partner Rick or the rest that visit the shop, but the thing is, if just two or three of the people both women and guys that are supporters of the shop, and all would have just went out and sold ad air time to the local business's here in Evanston, that would be the oil that keeps the gearz of Hazzard County Choppers/Highway Hooker Toewing going. Think of it this way. At our basic ad rate of $100.00 a month with unlimited airings of that ad on HazzardAyre Radio, across the nation and anywhere anyone can tune in via the Internet, is a damn good deal for any business here. Considering the other local radio station here charges a minimum of $20.00 per airing, that can add up to several hundreds if not thousands a month. Also think it costs $18.00 per column inch to put an ad and a mighty dinky one at that in the local newspaper, that can hit a retailer $500.00 or more that is dang near $4k a month, and its only seen here in Evanston, a very limited readership, or audience in the case of the local over the air station here. Yet with HazzardAyre Radio, a local business for a flat rate of $100.00 a month that's all they pay for the entire month they get aired as many and as much as we can. Now $100.00 a month don't sound like much, but even deducting the $25.00 commission to the people WE hire to sell those ads, still at even $75.00 a month if 20 people bought that air time, there's $1,500.00 a month that would pay the shop rent, power bill and other things, but has anyone there at the shop been giving this attention? No. Hopefully after today there is a future here for HCC and Highway Hooker Toewing. If not I have to locate storage for three rides, including LexiBelle, and begin looking back in Idaho for a place to live, just when we were starting to emerge as thee tow service of southwestern Wyoming. 
Any mile heavy day today best get some sleep, but as I said, anything that effects HazzardAyre Radio, effects the money available to run the shop/ aka Hazzard County Choppers/Highway Hooker Toewing. If somehow we do survive, maybe between Rick and I , can stimulate some of these hang arounds of the shop, to sell ad time for HazzardAyre Radio.