Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Sometimes you really do need to growl like a Wolf to get your message across or fix damage

There are times you really do need to growl like a Wolf to get your message across and/or fix damage or at least do damage control. On this edition of Edge of Wetness, I take you back 12 hours or so ago when I was in such a tizzy over possibly loosing the shop and all we have going, plus loosing the ability to keep the lights on. But some growling, and a ton of phone calls and we're okay, so its time to relax and enjoy something along the lines of a some sort of Thanksgiving. While the business could use a serious injection of cash in our stash, still we're okay and its now time to get damn serious. So while everyone is chowing down on Turkey and fixins, I'll be down at the shop working on LexiBelle, and scarffing down a Swanson dinner. 
Snow is coming down serious now, the wind is rolling at 45 mph, and its just a smear over 23 degrees. Hey its going to get cold. 
This year is a bunch better than last, Last year spent Thanksgiving in the studio office in Woods Cross, had a A&W meal, and made plans for the next step  coming here to Evansgone. If I could organize it properly, and write a book, or at least a small screenplay of my ventures here in Wyoming I could have another Oscar or at least a Emmy on the shelf. 
Any way going to snag some meatloaf, kick back and enjoy the evening, see you on the radio at 05:00
Gobble Gobble.