Wednesday, November 18, 2015

With so many followers on Google + how come none of those hot gals really visit me here in Wyoming?

Yesterday afternoon, around 5:00PM (17:00) I went to take a nap, so I could run to the shop and get things done. Must have been the 4 days of frustration, dealing with idiots, and just plain slow gray matter flowing people both here In Wyoming as well as in Twin Falls. But I hit the bed and was out and did not see awake until 04:00. Was waiting for a call from Brother Welling to set a meeting with our Bishop, but none came, so will be calling Brother Welling in a few minutes.
Okay then. Every day I get a blink from some new hottie on Google + saying they added me, but with all of them, none have made the journey here to my part of Wyoming. So I be alone, most of the time. Rick at the shop, says its not so bad, but since he has a near stable of hotties, he takes it for granted. Me I get to spend Thanksgiving alone. Maybe get a TV dinner, if I'm lucky. For most Thanksgiving is just the kickoff to the Holiday shopping rush. The whole damn season sucks. First Jesus was not born in December, Jesus was born in April, configuring our calendar. As far as looking at it as the foregone Christian holiday that its supposed to be, in reality its just a time that both store and consumer spend gazzilion amounts of dollars on junk that can't be sold the rest of the year. I usually wait until after Christmas things get discounted, you get a better selection, stores will more accept haggling over price. Stores want it out of there, especially such like Best Buy and others. If you on the same road, have children or all of that domestic stuff then yes you'll have a reason to go out in amongst the masses to hunt for that thing that kid just has to have, even if its sold out, and you need to go to the HQ of who makes that toy, or gizmo to buy that ONE thing.
Rick my partner at the shop, did , though give me the best Christmas he could have, reunited me with my LexiBelle, and in my book there's nothing better or finer. 
To answer the question that all too many including my partner asks , why do you pine over such an old , truck? Besides her history, the memories she holds and such. LexiBelle represents, the very last thing my Mom bought me before she passed away. Although the truck was bought in 1978, and she died, in 1983, LexiBelle, was bought in part by Mom from her own bank account, as well as the proceeds of the sale of our Farm just outside of Hazzard. If it wasn't for LexiBelle and what she is to me, as a grounding rod, for my emotions and all, I'dve been in the Looney bin years ago. From my first time with a girl, to loosing my virginity, to my wedding, to the procession at Mom's Funeral, I feel very warm when I'm in the arms(cab) of that old Chevy tow truck. From rescuing Knevils motorcycle, from the Snake River canyon, to many other events in my life, its been LexiBelle. The name LexiBelle is really two words, Lexi or Alexias is a girl I met at the then, A&W (now Rupe's Burgers) in Blackfoot, Idaho. Lexi took my virginity in the truck behind a newer built Albertson's parking lot. Belle, Is from both a southern Belle, as well as LuciBelle, the name of Pappy Boyington's Corsair, aka founder of the BlackSheep Squadron VMF214. LexiBelle was there at my graduation of basic boot camp of the Marines, LexiBelle was there at many events in my life. That truck and what it is, is so much more than outward looks. That old truck has a soul. Now its her turn, to be redone to being the flower she really is. Stay tuned photos will be coming.
In closing, so just where and most importantly who are these women that added me to their circles on Google + ? And why can't they come to see me? 
Any mile, need to get this day started.