Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Thank God and Rick, LexiBelle is home, and HazzardAyre goes scattered on TV

Thank God and Rick, LexiBelle is home, with fuel to spare, photos at 11:00.
It wasn't a bad trip, introduced Rick to Twin falls. He saw the good and bad. Of Twin Falls. He saw the great sites most see there, from Motel 6, to the Depot Grill. He wasn't to impressed with Magic Valley Transmissions. The only reason I apologized to them, after I found that believing I paid for a battery, there WAS no battery. What the hell was the $100.00 bucks I had to pay for extra, for? I hate to tell good Daniel, that's pretty crappy for a person whose mom extended funding to Daniel's parents to build a state of the art at the time pig barn and operation, that fed him and his sister. Although I can also remember as soon as that deal was closed Daniel's aunt Diana, stopped seeing me in a romantic way. Coincidence? I'll let you decide. Acorns don't fall to far from the tree. I can also , well it don't matter. For someone that is a Knyte, that membership is now being reviewed. 
Okay then , though I must say I loved coming home. After shodding LexiBelle with new rubber, and all, I was in my zone. Something in the driving in LexiBelle for me, behind the wheel in her arms(cab) its like making love to the most beautiful woman you can imagine. For me its Selena Gomez you figure out the who for your own imagination . All I know is, its great seeing her home.
Talked to Big C, and Big R while there waiting for Rick to wake up. The idea is being worked to do up four ads two for each event, but one ad for the AyreWolvez, the other for HazzardAyre Radio, om Livestream, to air in the SuperBowl. The other set of ads will be for the same, but air during the Daytona 500. Then throughout 2016 run scattered ads, as they are called on retro style TV channels. Now just need to find the model talent to be the pitch girls for the ads, Rick has a few in mind, We are right now accepting bids from major ad agencies for brokering the deal. If I were Livestream, I'd forget the nickle we owe them, as not only will HazzardAyre be, given a spotlight, so will Livestream. 
Any mile, taking a nap until 6:00PM, will be on air Wednesday morning at 08:00 hours.