Sunday, September 26, 2010

Idaho is nice, but Utah is looking even better.


The mark of a good soldier is to know when to charge ahead and when to retreat and regroup. While I should be happy as a Wolf with a fresh kill, here in Idaho, at least this part of Idaho, the words from one of our older members rings in my ears, Idaho is dead and there is no way to breathe life back into it. While , I’ll do my best on the radio station project, my objective is simply to find the best way to exit the damn state, while saving some grace and saving some form of dignity. With the constant put downs, and crap from our hecklers in MHI, to the lack of advanced infrastructure at least in this neighborhood, not to mention the fact that the ROI on my relocation here in late 2006 has been zero. I’m to the point of saying and I am, what the hell am I still doing here? I met with my DAV/PSR Friday, plus I met with a few of the area members of the Knytes from Saturday night into mid morning Sunday. And I have reached the point that arrangements are being made to relocate me , as fast and as sure as the next sunrise to Utah , somewhere. Its not just the dingy from MHI that caused this decision, but it adds to it. Thursday morning I awakened to a recorded phone call, from Idaho Power. Telling me my power bill was late or not there. To which I called them and told them that my financial advisor(Cuzzin Bud) had paid that bill. So to confirm I called Bud at least 8 times. Finally after 18:30 hours I got in touch and all was well, however the fact is, what if Bud had bit the sand? What if I’m up here, he’s down in metro Utah and something happens, I’d be the last to know. The fact that all except maybe two or three members of the Knytes and only two of the AyreWolvez still live in Idaho , mainly Hazzard and surrounding area, plus with most of my personal family living in extreme southeastern Idaho and northern Utah, again begs the question, what the hell am I still doing here? No, I’m not tucking tail and running off here, and there is sometime left until I can split, but as soon as I can, seeing Welcome to Utah in my windshield and Welcome to Idaho in my rearview mirror, will be sweet. Hey fellow Knytes and Wolvez, I came up here, I tried, I have suffered , cold winters, nearly being homeless, hunger, and that’s the short list for migrating to Idaho. I have just come to the end of my rope, I have no reason to fight anymore. Hey I was born in Jerome Idaho, went to school for 3 years in Idaho, and up until mid 1987 made a living in Idaho. The fact that Idaho became the land of ignorant Yankee’s means , I’d rather live in a restricted , but progressive state like Utah than to call Idaho home anymore. As far as the radio station? In Idaho there are 3 FCC allocations for a station to be licensed to left, there used to be 4 , but one is now owned by us, which I’m even thinking of selling if our club President says okay. In Utah I know most assuredly of 12 allocations, to which a station can be licensed too. There is a media talent pool to be hired from , there are website developers there that can get us headed in the right direction, plus the ROI is better there, so as soon as I can, I’m outta here. I’ll have more on this Monday, but as far as a long term thing in Idaho, not going to happen, and I might add, by me being back in Utah , means not only will I be on the air faster, I’ll be in the Ayre, sooner, as AyreWolf Aviation is HQ’d in Woods Cross Utah.

Until L8R Rebels

WOLFS LAIR SIG Knytes Label 1

Quote of the day:
Freedom is just Chaos, with better lighting. - Alan Dean Foster
Hebrews 10:30-31“For we know him who said, "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," and again, "The Lord will judge his people." It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.”

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Friday, September 24, 2010

Batteling Yankee Stupidity with Confederate Sanity


With suffering with swimmers ear, I am online continuing the fight against Yankee stupid with Confederate Sanity.

Saw a source of thought today as I along for the ride with my DAV/PSR , I said with all jest although it makes sense many spur lines between Twin Falls and Buhl. That is used very seldom and yet could be used for public rail transportation, or a commuter rail system. Likewise between Bliss to Jerome is another one of these abandoned spur lines. With the cost of fuel, and low revenue coming into Idaho, here is a thought, why not convert these spur lines in a mass commuter transit system? This way those with limited means could get to say Twin Falls which is southwestern Idaho’s major commerce city. With C3’s call center in full bloom, imagine the savings on personal rides , gas etc, as well as money to be made through a mass transit rail service. If it can work in Utah, why not Idaho? Okay, then; Idaho is suffering from real shortages of income from tax revenues. I see, I don’t know how many vehicles that are both not safe but putting poison into the air. How about , other than just Boise or Ada County, the entire state go to a vehicle safety inspection if not a emissions inspection? I could talk about a property tax on vehicles like Utah has, but I’m not into over regulation or taxation, but these poorly running and unsafe vehicles need to come off our roads, and get an annual inspection just like big trucks or even my tow truck has to pass, just to get on the roads. The state makes money, only safer vehicles get on the road, and the schools that were to get the lions share of Idaho’s lottery money, could really gain some funds. By the way if there are tons of lottery tickets being bought, but the states coffers are empty , where is that state lottery money going? Idaho and Utah are in an election season, has anyone of our candidates stood up to THESE questions? More over, have you heard anything much on trucker laws in Idaho on the ads from those running for office this year? How about farm policy? What about alternative energy, like Ethanol or Bio-Diesel? No, all we hear is how bad our kids are suffering because the schools have little to no proper funding. If Idaho is to prosper we need industry, we need jobs, and we need other than farm and tourist income. That means looking outside of the box , that means the Confederate National Party. We as modern Confederates need to stand up and speak. That said a CNP Rally is being planned for election day in Both Boise as well as Twin Falls.

For more 411, email me at , .

Talk to ya’ll Saturday.

L8R Rebels


Quote of the day:
I'm an idealist. I don't know where I'm going, but I'm on my way. - Carl Sandburg
1 John 2:1“My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.”

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Are you protected?

HCT 1 831410

Before I get flowing here, want to thank the gal and her photo taker from the Times News for the interview and so on yesterday. I’m not holding my breath, but the exposure for the benefit of the club could open a few closed doors, so hope they really do the story.

Also to our web creator Mike in Boise. Check will be in the mail as of the first of the month, that you can depend on. Hope the effort is rapid. This might be the tip of the pile to getting the ultimate Hazzard County gearheads web site on line, streaming and running. So Mike, consider yourself hired.

Okay then;

The wonderful world wide web. Nearly as vast as the universe, albeit limited to earthly minds, and greed. Saw a clip from a major virus protection company, that told of a fake FaceBook identity set up to mimic the director of Interpol, to glean 411 on criminals being investigated, globally. I too was invaded this way from the same source. My alternate screen handle of Highway Hooker a nick name gave through ye ole CB radio circles to one driving a tow truck. My hotmail account using that screen name was duplicated through FaceBook, that , I’m still trying to resolve. The fact that someone so unimportant could get snooped on, imaging how quick someone like Obamabeenlyintoya, or heck the President of the KOA/SOA ? Shit there are so many things that our leader possesses that the results could be embarrassing to say the least.

So with that all spoken while the medium of the web is a much treasured jewel, could your company even your own domestic security be threatened by being online? Is there ways to really secure your web site, and or even your own personal information security. Forget the firewalls, and all the protection software out there. Hackers can subjugate that faster than tapping sap for maple syrup.

While I’m anticipating the creation of our website as eagerly as Boss Hogg, waiting for greased pigs knuckles, still the threat of web security will be taken into consideration. Is there such a thing as ultimate web security that is hacker proof? Even if your own computer is so called protected, with more and more of the web going into the cloud, and software being written into the browser, hell even the OS being of browser operations, can true web security be attained, more over a sure thing?

Something to consider.

Don’t forget the Knytes meeting this Wednesday at Knytes Hall.

L8R Confederates

wolf burst Knytes Label 1

Quote of the day:
The public will believe anything, so long as it is not founded on truth. - Edith Sitwell
Hebrews 10:35-36“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.”

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17-27-1 SouthernbyGrace


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Knowing limits when there should be no limits!!


In an old Clint Eastwood movie, the phrase was used that said “ A man has got to know his limitations. For the Hazzard County folks, especially the Knytes-of-Anarchy , limits are just something to be considered a challenge, then overcome. Such as building a streaming radio station web site. This has been an ongoing project ever since our pirate station near Hazzard went dark in 1997. The discovery of a ultimate running , now silent site based out of Nashville, was an eye opener. Problem is here in Idaho and even metro Utah there are few if any web site builders familiar enough with streaming that anyone the club contracts to do that finds they can get partly there, but has no idea of where to go, beyond the basics. Now this is not saying Mike in Boise, that is building or attempting to build our site is not capable but can he do it? For the amount of time it has taken to build this, nearly 9 years now, I’m getting to think, a trip to Portland Oregon to the home of Abacast might be worth the trouble . But we’ll see if Mike can do the job first. The delay while painful means just that another delay, but one way or another , it’ll be up shortly after Christmas if not before, so don’t close the door or snore, yet.

With that said, if Idaho, is to edge into the 21st century and get beyond its Victorian era , things like teaching these skills needs to be brought into our educational school systems. More over at least one of our advanced beyond High School institutions needs to go to enabling college courses that teach such skills. As I for one if it were offered would go to such a school. But the question needs to be asked, is there not anyone in our state of Idaho, that can build such a website? There’s $5,000.00 on the table here for someone who can.

The Knytes-of-Anarchy knows no limits, which is the frustrating part. We are in a place where there are too many limits, both from lack of resources both financial as well as human. Which is why there are thoughts of relocating the Knytes HQ to either southeastern Idaho, or back to Utah. This will be what we call Knyte Moves.

More L8R

wolf burst Knytes Label 1

Quote of the day:
There is always more misery among the lower classes than there is humanity in the higher. - Victor Hugo
Romans 5:3-4“Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.”

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17-27-1 SouthernbyGrace


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Miss Hazzard County and the Cooter Store


It goes this way every year. What should have been running full warp speed by now is running slower than Flash going after a rabbit. I had thought and this is what thinking gets ya’ll, but thought we’d have a Miss Hazzard County and the Hazzard County Honeys all in place ready to get on the web and on TV. But nope, between the move groove from Bliss to Buhl, to a bunch of other extra projects just never got it done. But the year of 2010 ain’t done yet so the Knytes sedd, lets get out the lead and see if we can generate some steam in the stream here. Now with that being said the site of the live Miss Hazzard pageant will be at the MVM in Twin mid November , just before Thanksgiving. Which as usual will give us a whole month to get any pix shot and up on the Hazzard County Garage/Knytes-of-Anarchy Calendar for 2011. And not much more until after the holidays. The powers that be have garnered some great prizes for Miss Hazzard County this year, including a $150,000.00 modeling/acting contract that will include a speaking part on the new Hazzard County movie; The Dukes Ryde Again, that goes into production in May of 2011. Much of the new series pilot movie for a revived series dedicated to all things Hazzard will be shot in and around good old Hazzard here, including , Buhl, Bliss, Twin Falls and Jerome. As well as in Boise. It’s no accident that CMT started running the reruns of the old series.

Okay then; continuing with things getting hot about things Hazzard, the Knytes-of-Anarchy will be setting up shop inside the MVM, a store dedicated and merchandised of products of not only the Dukes, but also the AyreWolvez and more.

MHC AD 1  

So if your a hot southern belle babe, that is looking at making serious green, get in touch with me via phone at 208-737-9653 or email me at to find out how to get entered for the Miss Hazzard County talent search or being one of the Hazzard County Honeys.

Whomever said that Sunday’s were to be a day of rest was damn serious about it. Was working on LexiBelle yesterday and stretched wrong and pulled something serious in my back. And I have been popping Goody’s like they is candy. Which gets my stomach all oozing bile which gets me to doing the diarrhea shuffle.

Have a cat coming in from Boise Monday to get the work under way to bring to life our ultimate Hazzard County/AyreWolf web site rolling. So being I’m hurting going to go take another warm bath to see if I can heal.

Until Monday eve, keep it tween the ditches.

wolf burst  Knytes Label 1

Quote of the day:
Illegitimacy is something we should talk about in terms of not having it. - Dan Quayle
Ephesians 4:29“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”

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HazzTail imagesCARAGE5K






Quote of the day:
Progress isn't made by early risers. It's made by lazy men trying to find easier ways to do something. - Robert Heinlein
Ephesians 4:29“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”

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Friday, September 17, 2010

If ya’ll cain’t join em, beat em


Ever get the idea that once something or someone gets to being even marginally successful, that you get forgotten, or at least ignored. You send praise and wish to get in step with them and yet getting a return phone call is like finding teeth in a rooster. As most of ya’ll know, AyreWolfFM/Confederate Star Radio has been under construction for nearly what now 6 or better years as an online source of military aviation entertainment and information. However being late to the table, one emerged beating us to the turkey drumstick . Yet we keep plugging away. Now is no doubt a great gig, but its only live for about an hour most days at 08:00 hours our time. Our gig will once completed, be live 24/7/365. There will be few pre recorded shows. More over by mid March 2011 we will be over the air. More on that in a short hop, but being live and direct is our target. Now even once we are there, and its a true fact, we , rather I, can be reached most of the time all the time. If not via regular good old fashioned telephone, or by email, and I will never fail to return a phone call or email. While the members of the AyreWolvez , brother organization of the Knytes-of-Anarchy have our heads in the clouds, we are not here seeking fame nor fortune. Nor will we ever get to the point of being so self righteous or pompous that we ignore you, our potential new members or fans, of what we do on air or in the air. Oh yes we do get very much active in politics , when it comes to the CSA/CNP etc , but even with that said, is the love we have for military warbirds, both fixed wing, as well as vertical flight, that includes helicopters. So to Matt at Warbirds radio and all of you , who feel we are not worth your time, think this, every wolf has a howl, and gets his prey.

L8R Confederate Aviators.

WOLFS LAIR SIG Knytes Label 1

Quote of the day:
Times have not become more violent. They have just become more televised. - Marilyn Manson
Ephesians 5:1“Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children”

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17-27-1 SouthernbyGrace