Tuesday, August 18, 2015

This time, let's talk about someone doing it right

In this day and era it's all too easy to cuss out other people, or companies for being real assholes. However it's truly refreshing, to deal with a big corporate firm, that does things right and treats clients with honor and respect. This morning I'd like to say thank you, to Rocky Mountain Power Company. Over this last few months, things got a bit lean, here at HCC, and as such, missed the power bill. It's not Rocky Mountain Power' fault, its just us, business has just not been that good, and with the loss of two partners at the shop and having to recover twice, things got behind. However , Rocky Mountain Power called, which is nice, I called back, dealt with a very nice lady on the other end, she suspended my turn off, and payment arrangements were made and all is well. Why is it that other companies and people can't be that way? If every vendor and supplier to HCC was this way, my rest at night would be so much better. Especially when other utilities are so mentally challenged and all, it's refreshing to work with such a great utility as Rocky Mountain Power.
Okay then, caught a blip from some gal, asking why we as a club, and I as a person fly the Dixie flag. I replied, simply its our foundation, my heritage, and my and the club's roots. Guess she doesn't tune into the radio show or read the Hazzard County Tymez. 
On the subject of the radio show, We are still having computer and Internet issues. We get good speed coming down, but not going up. So until we get things re-engineered here, on that you'll just have to keep informed via the blogs, and in the Hazzard County Tymez.  HazzardAyre Radio and all its subsidiaries, will be moving to Ogden Utah beginning in September. HCC will remain here in Wyoming, but we need more horsepower to do the radio show and station properly, so that means going where fiber optics are available, and more juice going up, so that's the decision on that front. Additionally, having a greater population of broadcast and other professionals and human resources for and of same available makes it to where the RKA can prosper greater, and with much more efficiency than can be attained here in Evanston.