Saturday, August 22, 2015

HazzardAyre Radio , just gets it done, and done right

Say what you will, about the Knytes and all, but the one thing you can say with all honesty is the media finger of the Knytes-of-Dixie , which is SouthernSteele Media, produces one helluva radio show. HazzardAyre started quite obscurely, in the small sleepy bedroom community of Buhl Idaho, through a small dream I had that sat me up in bed, one night to join together Hazzard County Radio and what we created in Gooding Idaho as AyreWolf Radio(aka:AyrewolfFM) . HazzardAyre was supposed to start out as a sleepy little newsletter, but took root, faster than a wildwood weed seed. By 2012 HazzardAyre had become the one true, long lasting, never fading source for southern historical preservation, and retention. Today with nearly 28, million listeners from around across America and Canada, HazzardAyre is, and will remain the media voice of all REAL Hazzard County/Dukes-of-Hazzard fans, loyalists, and traditionalists. From the music, to the comedic outtakes to the creative features there are few if any other radio either terrestrial,(standard over the air)Radio or online, on demand Radio that matches HazzardAyre. HazzardAyre just gets it done and done right.
Spent the afternoon at the shop, with the crew, one of which don't yet quite connect the dots, with the fact the shop,(Hazzard County Choppers) and HazzardAyre Radio are properties of the Knytes-of-Dixie. I only own Highway-Hooker(Cooter's A1) Toewing. All decisions and operational parts of the shop are voted on at the table by the Knytes. I have very little input. Nobody at the shop get's paid much if anything at all. All money made by the shop, outside any expenses, goes directly to the Knytes. Not me. Or any of the crew. Its that simple.
See ya'll on the radio,