Saturday, August 29, 2015

oh and our friend and associate Zeb Bell, of Idaho and life in Hazzard

There are days I take a look in the mirror and as well at my career, both in wrenching on rides, toewing and of course broadcasting. The big one? Flying. Of all of them flying was my first love of both a career as well as vocation, mostly heartfelt. 
Thinking that if only Mom & my Dad not retired in 1970 from military service at HAFB Utah and then moved to Idaho, how my life might have been better? No , but different. Had we not moved, I'dve been aeronautics of some sort, married to Peggy Follett, and living in a delux split level house on Layton Utah's snob hill. 
As it came to pass , we moved to Idaho, all though the omens of God, were telling Mom and Dad not too, from the U-haul we rented not stalled, had our 56 Merc not broken a tie rod, had I not dispized Hagerman so much. But it all took place,. While I pursued the aviation path, there wasn't much call for flying in the Tragic Valley of Idaho. Outside of agricultural aviation(crop dusting) at that point air evac medical transport and all were things that had not yet reared its Heavenly light. So I put that on the back, burner and looked at doing something other than flying, outside of a hobby. So I looked into law enforcement. As Dad was then an auxilliary Deputy of the Gooding County Sheriff' office I was able to go on ride alongs, and did things, like school crossing guard and such duties. However I lost interest in that quickly, simply due to being threatened due to the liability I posed to some of the trafficers that attended our fair school. 
Then came the day in Mr. Ill's Ag class that our FFA chapter needed a press person in the local chapter and as such and through that I went to a local radio station in Jerome Idaho, where Al Lee ran KART. So on Friday evenings while Mom and Dad spent time to themselves I'd go in and for a few hours do the FFA report. It was radio and I liked it, while I went for the brass ring of off the wall rebel style radio in a rather LDS dominated conservative area, I pushed the envelope I was into playing the music un edited, I was into using rather fight the system formats but KART said not here. I got the same answer everywhere, although the then KEEP AM 1450 was a tad more open minded , they too were spooked by the flashback so, I was sent packing. Even though I had just gave birth to KEEP' FM KEZJ. The only Kountry music FM in the region. It wasn't until I went to KLIX AM 1310 Twin Falls Idaho, dressed up one year at some farm show as a big damn rooster (the KLIX KLUCKER) that I was gave a midnight to 5:00AM shift on the weekends. Shortly after KLIX bought then KMTW FM 96.5 there. So I went rock while Pete Arbogauhst went kountry AM, on KLIX. Pete and two others were into what I was creating there as Long Haul Trucker Radio, the Father of Dixie Diesel Trucker Radio. 
By 1978 I was in the Marines, back in the air, but also on the air on AFRN. This was a sweet gig. Kept me from doing much more kp duty. In April 1978, my Father passed away, some tricky talking and I got to come home to tend to Mom and the farm while doing my duty in The Marines, so I got Active Reserve Duty. The other thing that happened that year, I got LexiBelle 
 From the moment I saw LexiBelle I was very much in Love. Some thought I was bonkers as how could anyone love a piece of machinery like it was a person? But I did. So with $2,000.00 of Mom's money from her personal savings account, money I had saved from the money I made in the Marines and over to Valley Towing & Radiator on South Park in Twin Falls Idaho the Best place in Town to take a Leak, and LexiBelle was on her way home under my six going to Hagerman. But somehow I still loved radio and still loved flying. So the Knytes were formed, KDSL FM went on the air as the voice of the Knytes and the American Trucker, and two small helicopters were bought, and Eagle Star Flying Service(aka-AyreWolf Aviation) Yes I was gifted with two parents that gave a shit and cared, more over took the time and had the financial resources to allow me the abilities to pursue dreams. As far as getting married like Zeb did? Nah I was at the alter 5 times, but never could make it stick. Guess it all had to do with my vision of the ideal woman that just does not exist in Yankee north , but might be more prevelant in the sweet Dixie south. I wanted a sweet southern gal, not the gold diggers I met in Idaho and Utah and one that burned me here in Evanston, (Tammy-Hunt) . If I had to go back to my two High schools to renew contacts and all during a reunion, I would go to Layton High School' reunion but not Hagerman's. Okay then on the floor of the shop here. Many who know me would say, hey you've finally made it, my response would be, not really. At best HCC(Dixie-Garage) is on life support at best. Seems as though the vision of the shop and why I rented it in the first place has slid to doing all around, all vehicle service and repairs. Not building custom Harley and Indian Motorcycles and creating award winning specialty customs and early iron street rods. Seems as though I go to the shop, and am left doing hardly more than tending children and dogs. Not demeaning Nate and all at the shop, still instead of Nate being the JAFO, (Just-Another-F---ing-Observer) I'm the JAFO. For me any more unless there's a bike that needs repair, or there's a tow call or need for that, I'm just there. But more time on radio, is needed and that after all wasn't that what the club and I came to Evanston for?
HazzardAyre this afternoon.
The meds the Doctor gave me for the DVT I had this morning has me just about to sleep. TTYLY