Friday, August 21, 2015

Every Time I see something on my Facebook Newsfeed its more stupid shit

It's no wonder the politicians in DC get things over on us, nearly 3 out of 5 people in these American States are so dang stupid and confused that there is no way many can think on their own. Add to that their inability to string words together, and all, no wonder the DC occupiers are passing laws, nobody will protest because their too ignorant. I've seen flies more intelligent. 
If the radio station and the shop didn't need Facebook, I'd pull my Facebook account in an instant or at least as long as it'd take to delete my Facebook account. There was a bumper sticker that used to read, beam me up Scotty there's no intelligent life down here, and I'm beginning to believe it.
If America is going to heal and this nation is going to once again be United, it needs to pull it's head out, and read, or at least learn how.