Saturday, August 29, 2015

Some times there are things that are over sold that really isn't cutting it

HazzardAyre Radio has been on , on, online radio for a little over two years now. A biker associate in Lake Tahoe turned me onto a service called Livestream. That I thought anyone with a anything electronic that accessed the Internet could tune into, app or not. I was happy and still am that most if not everything at our Livestream connection functions well, but sadly I again am getting into a frame of mind to go shopping where all Internet accessable devices can access the show.  One of my associates the other day, that can access just about everything online could not access our achieved show on Livestream. It's not just my office staff that couldn't access the show. I have heard this from others. So while we will still be on Livestream for a time, we are looking into other streaming services even if they do cost money to use, that all devices can access.