Sunday, August 16, 2015

Don't trust any Yankee and Club stuff

Things may look a different here, well ; This is Hazzard County, where everything is stranger than anywhere else, and where just about everything is possible. It was said, If it could happen anywhere, It will happen in Hazzard County. Even if it's not of the TV show variety, or variant of Hazzard County. Doing a good turn for someone in Hazzard County happens when you least expect it, with no worries after. Extending that courtesy anywhere else meets with disasteroius results. Case in point. cyber cruising one evening I say on this site for Evanston Wyoming, with some gal selling a bunch of things, to cover her water bill or she'd get evicted. naive me I speak up, and help her with her water bill, trouble is and there's no other siphon that could extract money from my account, the same gal took the reciept and copied my account number, so over the weekend been watching small amounts coming out of my checking account. So had to call the bank's toll free line talking to some gal in India or somewhere to get the card and account frozen, so I could fix it in the morning. Wont do that again, except for club members, and folks I damn well know in Hazzard County. It's too damn bad what we enjoy as true honesty and all in Hazzard County, The real Hazzard County, located just 40 miles west of Twin Falls Idaho off old highway U.S. 30. Speaking of Hazzard County, and the club. The concept for the organization as you know is rolling into this thing called the Rode Knytes Association, a heavy duty old skool trucking/toewing preservation organization. The HQ has yet to be decided , but odds are on Ogden Utah. Still close enough for subsidiaries of the organization like The Knytes-of-Dixie to go to to do duty for the organization, and yet in a place to where things that albeit we'd like it to, but where CenturyLink and others have not laid down fiber optics. So Ogden will give us the Internet things we need, as well as the none club resources we need to build this thing, like we always thought it to be. 
Had some church people stop by earlier this evening. Right at the start of BlackSheep Squadron, visited with them. Dave says he thinks there is a big difference between Utah/Idaho LDS members, and those here in Wyoming, namely Evanston. Something of being more holyier than though in Utah/Idaho than here. My feelings and I spoke up about it. Yes there's a difference alright, Utah/Idaho LDS wards and people are not as stuck up, and bigoted as they are here in Evanston. Some say there is racism in America, if you discriminate against someone, even if not the color of their skin, but for what they believe in, their background and ethnicity, are you not the one being racist? Our Rebel people from the land of Dixie have nothing on these Yankee's. While this too may sound racist, dig this; how many if any African American's do you see piloting a car on either of the NASCAR series'? There have been some that came before, but today, when was the last time you saw a person of color climb out of a stock car at a major NASCAR race? 
As I close, it's just too dang bad , that things here and in our area are not like things the way they are in Hazzard County?