Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Just one of those wet days

Business is picking up some, but I had to change by mutual agreement with the associates the handle we'll use to light the candle in Evanston Wyoming. So we went from:
 Although my idea of the shop's sign should be: 
Although that might not play out well with both the associates as well as the ultra conservative community of Evanston. I did hold somewhat for 
 Now if I could just get rid of the smell of wet dog, and just dog on me, I'd feel better. Don't get me wrong I love all kinds of canines, especially my 4 legged counterpart the Wolf, but can't we do something about the wet and just smelly mut everywhere? Last but not least. One of the daughters of my associates has crept into my heart. Not in a nasty way or anything us southern folks don't think that way, but more like a Grandfatherly way. Her name is Lacey and she's just about the cutest little young'n I have ever seen, and dang smart,. She just lets her Mom & Dad think she's not too bright.  Hey you be the Judge 
Any mile; HazzardAyre on Thursday evening, as I'm doing fix it work here on the equipment, in the studio,