Sunday, August 30, 2015

it's all about promotion and publicity

When you operate and partly own a niche or specialty business the more promotion and publicity you can do the more business and income your able to generate. In our case its a custom big bike shop. Something a few of my new associates missed. HCC is owned and operated entirely by the Knytes of Dixie(aka Knytes of Anarchy) in Twin Falls Idaho, Tooele Utah and Evanston Wyoming. When it comes to the Evanston shop, its not a love of the community of Evanston, but the loyalty and brother(sister)hood of the club and all bikers.  in most cases the only general public service we offer is 24 hour toewing and road service. Past that, we focus on the needs and visions of bikers who want something more than the usual cookie cutter Harley, who are willing to pony up $150k for a custom scoot. So how do you reach out to those who might know your there. You do photo shoots, videos, calendars, TV ads and yes even establish a online radio station like HazzardAyre, or SAMCRO Radio. So as such the search is still on for gals to pose with bikes and customs for those pics for those promotional items. Which brings me to yesterday. The old saying on Major Payne was , what we have here was a failure to communicate. I thought it was fully understood that my new associates here' daughters could provide that ah ain't that cute WOW factor. So I did some sample shots, but apparently Mom was not in the approve groove. 
So as such, as per the clubs orders, no more children in the shop. Office perhaps, but only after a written release is provided by the parents. 
But I'm getting off center here. The thing is, when you have a one of kind of business, service or specialty firm you have to promote. That means shows, producing events, staging concerts and in our case events that bikers and gearheads want to attend. 
One of my new associates says he's bored needs something to do. Hey I have an idea, help the club's shop generate the business, by aiding in the recruitment of fine fannies to pose with rides. In short if your not willing to be part of the solution, your just adding to the problem. 
Still with sore throat, so no show on HazzardAyre tonight. Just can't talk. Done just about all I can do, to get rid of whatever flu bug or virus I caught, over the last two days. Not absolutely sure its the dogs, but that adds to it. The water we have been making coffee with comes right out of the ditch next to the shop. Which means we're drinking dog piss, cat poop, bird droppings, and people manure. Can somebody say Culligan Man?