Sunday, August 30, 2015

A combination of bad water and dirty dogs.

Fever of 102, sore throat, and chills. This started earlier Saturday evening, even Lacey had a touch of it. I nearly can trace it to really bad water that we make coffee with, and some really soiled canines. I don't blame anyone, one thinks that the cold nose and getting lapped in the face with the tounge that no one knows where its been is safe. But thing is, it can and does make even us humans sick. 
So I took some antibiotics and took a very hot shower and changed clothes. While I can't talk much hence no radio overnight, my fever is dropping, albeit slowly. Bottom line as much as my new associates wont like it. The dogs have gotta go. Or at least kept outside. The urine inside the shop and obviously the dog dung needs to be bleached. Can't have customers getting sick while their rides are getting repaired. 
Don't get me wrong here, I love critters of all kinds and types. I have had dogs, and a few cats but all of them got baths, even the cats, once a month, with flea and tick, meds to keep pet illness' away from me, Mom and Dad. See mom had COPD, and her respitory system had to be kept as sterile as possible. This situation was made more apparent 5 years or so before Mom left us for Heaven. She got a thing call ensefilitis(sorry I can't spell such medical things all too well). Mom got a fever and was really a space cadet for many weeks into 4 months. We thought Mom was a gonner. But prayer and one damn good doctor saved her. The cause was a damn tick, that had crept in on my dog and from then on, it was spray her down and pet shampoo at least once a month if not more. 
I have the same genetic disposition that Mom did and I can get that just as quick as Mom did. So, as bad as I hate it, I have to tell my associates that if the dogs come to the shop they have to stay outside. Bubba needs to be kept outside and taken home overnight.
So I'll have to miss church in the afternoon, one is I'm under the weather health wise and two I'm flat outta go fluid(gas) so I can't go anywhere until Tuesday. Maybe I can go to church next week.
See ya'll on the air at 13:00 (1:00PM) this afternoon.