Sunday, August 30, 2015

Bad news Good News it's all in the overnight haul.

Overnight while nursing this dreaded sore throat and cough, did some research due to a notice I got, that says in short, we can't use the name Dixie Garage in Wyoming. Seems someone else has that handle up near Casper somewhere. However, Hazzard County Choppers is still legal, and as such is the only name for the shop that I can use, legally. So if I'm in that still after this week, that'll be the handle we light the candle of the shop. Overnight I also began to think, and I do a lot over thinking, but while I can see some wiggle room here, is this town the way I feel about it, worth these long hours and the sacrifices? Let alone getting my butt chewed when it was not deserved. After all whose name is on the frigging lease and phone, electric and gas bill? Whose ass gets fried if a repair goes sour, and we get sued? And as far as those kids, whose ass gets roasted if one of them gets hurt in that shop? Too much risk, for not much return on the investment. As it is, I can't even go get cold medicine, or anything. I only report this, so you as club members know what's going on here in Evanston. The idea we had for a radio station for truckers,bikers, and so on was a okay idea, but the junk and manure that I have went through nearly a year ago, is just not worth it. While there is no fixing the past, we can alter the future. If truth be known, my suggestion and I'll abide by your vote and thoughts, but my suggestion is relocate this entire gig to either Idaho or Utah, and let this cold ice box both in climate and attitude, be the frozen tundra that it is, but why do we need it? The way I look at it, there is 5 months left on my lease on my apartment here, I say lets move my rigs to Idaho, I finish up what I need to in the short 5 months and then me gets my wolf-Pack outta here. 
Talk at ya'll L8r