Friday, January 8, 2016

Evanston Wyoming a disaster looking for a victim

The task ahead? Finding the exit door and gracefully bowing out. It's been a year and 2 months since I was conned into reving up a radio station here and relocating here. I can tell you this, had I known that the fat witch that held my rent money on that confounded trailer out Yellow Creek Road way, and had not sent it to the owner, I would have moved out only after a week of being here. The funny thing and I'm not all together convinced it was Heavenly Father saying stay put, more like Satan wanting me to do something, but fact is from LiL Wolf, and the Subaru, amongst other things my ass would have been outta here. What I have learned and I get hit in the head quite often with, is I really don't belong here, and the fact that the rumor mill here is much worse than anything I ever experienced in Idaho, and while I lived and I can say LIVED in not just resided in Utah, never could many if anyone find fault in what I nor the club was doing. So what's next? Fix LexiBelle, fix Lil Wolf, fix General JaXson, go over to Pocatello or Twin Falls, find a place to hang my hat and all, then get my butt out of here. Let John and Rodger deal with the Subaru . I've had it. I can put up with most things, but lack of cable TV and Internet is one, but someone making up bullshit about me being involved with illicit narcotics and all, some heads are going to be chopped off, but as bad as my reputation is I will not, repeat NOT, be tarnished or ruined over that kind of shit. I told Rick my partner, the other day, no money to help pay my cable/internet, bill, I was out of here. I kept my word and paid what I could on shop rent, but the way it is, without the cable/internet thing operational there IS NO DAMN reason for me to even be here. There are other alternatives to this place and I'm getting in the move groove. 
Evanston Wyoming is one of those if not thee place that if you wanted to give the world an enema this would be the place. Evanston lures you in, sucks you dry, then kicks you under the bus. Quite frankly without family, much of the club, and making not even one damn dime here, This isn't the place. Evanston will continue to be a place to stop and piss, not a destination.