Friday, January 22, 2016

I always thought Facebook was in California , ever get tired of Facebook politics?

Do you ever get the feeling that all too many changes are occuring in Silicon Valley? Google is changing things on Blogger that has many pissed off, then there's the big FB that has some strange politics. Dig this, on a normal FB page or the news feed, there is a pane with messages, and your pages and your subscribed pages. Yet this evening, that is not working. Hmmm I say, now it could have been a comment I made in a post that said isn't it strange that the post included Latinos, it was a post on CSC Radio's page of a interest story of kids being abused that got taken into custody. Immediately my FB pages pane disappeared . Funny how that happened. Yet nobody says anything or FB police think its okay for some page posting photos like this
That's okay, but don't say anything against a ethnicity. I'm not saying that all Latino's are bad, one still holds a charter Presidency of the Knytes in Blackfoot Idaho. There are thousands of Latino's and Orientals and others who are members of the Knytes. Likewise both members of the WolfPack, that I flew with in the Marines , one in fact is a dear friend, that just happens to be black. I believe in the open culture and all of Star Trek theory . It don't matter if your black, white, oriental , Columbian , and yes Latino. I have admired for years the rides especially low riders of California and Arizona built by Latinos, in fact the way we spell the clubs name KNYTES, instead of KNIGHTS and Kustmz, instead of customs, or Kustoms as it was once in the day we called chopped rods Kemps, but its not a racial thing. Nor is flying our battle flag of Dixie. This flag;
 is not the regional flag of the south, its a flag that was carried into battle such as the battle of Northern Aggression. But there are many that look upon our flag
 and think its racial or pro slavery or some such , its more like most of us who fly this flag
are mostly people who fight the system and refuse to have our liberties and freedoms taken away. In fact the fact most who fly this flag 
 refuse to be assimilated and bound by chains. We hate so watchful of things that are too much politically correct, rather than just making a simple observation of a thought either on line or through fellow brethren. Even my Bishop last night that helped with the AllWest thing check went in the mail and its on its way, but my Bishop said he has to balance the opinions of the many with a thought of the few. Saying that one lady has the hottest legs in the Ward, apparently was a bit over the top, my question on that simply is; if you don't want people to look, wear something more modest, or shut up if someone looks. Reminds me of a lovely gal that tended bar in Bliss Idaho at Outlaws and Angels, there. She had a beautiful native American sunset tattooed just a smidge over her breasts. Yet her husband fiance at the time, got pissed because people look. If your not wanting to flaunt it and draw attention to you, wear something over it, or be a bit more modest. Our nation has become way too superficial, and way too opinionated. Even if they don't know the complete history of the subject they're bitching about. Any mile hope this gets posted, but I'd love to have just one day inside both Google and Facebook, and explain to the little college fartknocker interns and all therein where geeks and real life, gap. See you in the morning, but watch if this does not happen very soon, if your posting anything on either FB or Blogger watch em start charging you to do that. Ad sales for both FB and Google is down, so they are looking at ways to increase their incomes. 
See ya'll on the radio ;