Saturday, January 9, 2016

As I get ready to do another show

As I get ready to get into another radio show on Livestream, I think its only the darkest before the storm, and I do the show this morning with a mind that is not as free and bubbly as it usually is. 
I woke up at 21:00 hours, after going the gig of going for my blood refreshening at the local hospital. Glad I have VA funds for that, but after they give me these pain meds, that quite frankly put me into a frame of utopia, and thus I usually go to sleep. A helluvalot of thinking and planning for the ultimate exit to Pocatello, its no longer a if but when and able, most likely near June, but still my mind is already there. So I wake up after dreaming that I already had my Shrimp basket at the Green T, there in nighboring Chubbuck , when I thought I'm going for a hamburger, only to realize , "Hey buddy you ain't in Pocatello yet" . So drifted down to the shop after having to climb out of a snow pile, seems snow removal here at the Wentworth is not of a high priority. As the who whoever plowed the parking lot here, deposited most of the snow right behind my car. So went down to the shop. Rick was in a kind of good mood, but then there is John. Last night John was in a oh poor me mood, and I thought my I would love to give you just a piece, of my worry and concern load. You could not handle it. Then I get the barking about me not working on LexiBelle, hell I'd love to, trouble is there is so much stacked and piled around and against her, there's no damn room for me to work on LexiBelle, LiL Wolf, or even bring in General JaXson to do any work, pretty much a bad thing when your the senior partner in a service garage, and you can't even work on your own stuff. Let alone having to put up with the sour moods that are there all the damn time. I must have walked in or just shy of a major pow wow there that went wrong, or something, but my only me and Lilly were talking. If I were going into battle, except for Rick, I'd hate anybody else there or be relying on anybody else there, watching my back. Shit I'd be dead, and most likely of such they'd be the one shooting at me. 
In my early days of being around cars and trucks, I had me a pump jocky job at a place called the RoadRunner/I-80 Texaco in Bliss Idaho . The owner Bill Smith, taught me and told me the best way to work this kind of job, is to leave all your problems and personal shit at the door before you come in and go to work. This was a philosophy that I took to most every job and into my careers. A bad attitude and just bad moods, only bring everybody else down that works with you, and if the tension gets so rotten, you get to a point, where you just don't want or desire to be there. 
Then of course, there is the backing or trusting in someone you were thinking was an ally, like our Toew Bro prospect in Green River, Wyoming. Here I was and still will to a point still, but here I as a one man militia defending him in a turf battle, yet seems as when I requested a slight loan from him of the $300.00 I need to stay online, the lines of communication were severed and no response whatsoever. Seems that's the same feeling at the shop. Rick doesn't have an extra $300.00 but Monday is the deadline, and it looks bad maybe something later today. Even $200.00 would help. There are hours, more here lately and its been this way since Joey and I stopped most of the operation of the shop, I lost the shop in July. The place except for my name on the lease has not been MY shop for that many months. I wish Rick would just let me keep the two trucks there for a time, to affect repairs, but by me out at say $2,000.00 and he take over the damn shop. Come June I'm out of it anyway. 
TTYLY See you in a bit on the radio, at