Monday, January 18, 2016

End of an Inning but not done with the game

it's the end of an inning but we as a group are not yet done with the game or completing our main mission here, but there comes a point when you need to pull back and redeploy forces. As you all know the Wolf-Pack is in real financial difficulties. The relocation here to Evanston a year ago, all that has happened here over that expanse of time, has taken its toll. Now I can't understand after paying so much over our usual bill rate with AllWest how we could be behind, but fact is shy of a real miracle through my Bishop, we might just loose the connection thread. So that'll mean that until May all our radio channels and transmissions will be cut. However I'm going to appeal and meet with my Bishop, and see if the Church can help with the radio/AllWest bill a bit. Not pay it all off, just give AllWest the $300.00 they need to keep us connected. 
Okay then saw something yesterday coming out of Church, right up the street from the meeting house , a small house with old glory at the top, and our Flag of Dixie right below. Maybe my preaching is sinking in. If I have Internet this afternoon , I'll take a picture and post it up on Facebook, as well as here on AyreWolf Tymez. 
Brother Dave Mcfadden is feeling kinda down in the not being physically well. Yesterday just after a presentation of a adult choir performance in church, he got up and went home. I think the long hours at Wal-Mart, and his medical condition, as well as the early morning time of the service, is catching up with him, so lets say a prayer or two for him as we go about our day. 
We had a very good Sunday School lesson, yesterday, I think Brother Jackson is trying real hard, but I still like the way Sister Cole presents it better. The difference is mostly a situation, where while Brother Jackson, goes by pretty much text and protocol, Sister, Cole presents it with stories from her life and a way for me to parallel it to modern day life or at least life here in Evanston. It also helps when her husband Vern is there as he can answer questions and direct me to other scripture. 
Last this morning. Talked to the real estate lady in Park City Utah yesterday on the property near Morgan Utah. The Old Poterville Meeting house there to reconfigure it as a aviator/biker get away facility. Things are of such a nature that rennovation is going to be a long adventure , but we are on track there.
 I do think it'll be pretty, and a serene place for the club once completed as well as provide us with a location for our media hub there. 
So in closing, shy of a miracle and I'm praying heavy on it, from Tuesday to May I'll be off line and that means no radio gigs. But I'll post as often here when I go to McDonalds here using my laptop.
Finalizing : the 2016 Miss AyreWolf and AyreWolf SheWolvez talent search is under way. Nominate your favorite fly girls to be selected to appear on our 2017 AyreWolf/AyreWolvez calendar.
L8R Aviators