Sunday, January 31, 2016

Sundays with those from Hazzard County

There are those people that are like me, that are from Hazzard County. While you may be removed, geographically   from Hazzard County, your mind and soul seldom if ever wanders from, or are too removed from Hazzard County. This means you look at the world a bit different, if not the world at least the environment of Yankified America. You start to see a pattern that you wonder has all good traditional respect and honor to be gave to those older and quite possibly a bit more life smart than you. Then of course there is pride of life and doing a job, of which you can have pride later on. For example Jody's Diner here in Evansgone Wyoming. Went in there awhile ago, today, and I wished I hadn't of considering the conditions that prevailed there. First there's the two tooth wait person there, that if brains were dynamite, she couldn't blow her nose. But it gets worse. First for some reason, the heater is turned off if even there, so there are small portable heaters, which barely keeps you moderately warm, but does little to retain the proper serving temp for the food being served. Its bad to get middle way through your taters and gravy to find them on the verge of freezing. While the week day crew at Jody's is great, the evening weekend crew needs to be improved, but here in Evansgone, finding good employees is a real challenge. Especially if the need is of needing someone of a female gender nature such as a wait-person(waitress) here good looks is more like admiring grizzly bears, big, heavy and usually hairy. Oh yes I will let this out three locations are being looked at to house GearHeads/Reaper Club/Club-Major. Randolph Utah where, the Gator is now, Echo for GearHeads Bar & Grill,
and of course Echo Utah for the Reaper Club & Cafe along with Ogden Utah for Club Major. 
Of course there is the next area for observation, first; people from all over the Yankee union, do very little on Sundays, except put up stupid stuff on Facebook, of course we in Hazzard do about the same thing. We tune up our CB radio's and shoot skip or tune in signals from far away, except we removed the stupid part from the hobby. But stupid lives on Facebook. 
As far as going to Church, I do most weeks, except today with it being Stake Conference and two after hooking all night until early morning, I decided to just stay nice and kozy in bed and enjoy the day watching TV which for all the TV channels on cable/satellite the only one worth watching at least on our cable system is the Disney Channel. Which has very little to offer until about 8:00PM. An old Monkees song says its best, Pleasant Valley Sunday. In this case its not so pleaseant, but livable.