Wednesday, January 27, 2016

If it don't work sometimes you just need to throw it out and get something different

So after last night to early mornings SpeedWrench Radio that we titled SpeedHazzard1 I went to Livestream page where its supposed to archive but guess what critter didn't .So at least I have the show on cassette tape, say what you will about new tech and all but there are times old skool still is better. 
So I sent a email to our sales guy at Livestream. I also included that maybe Livestream is not the service to stream live radio through. There are changes coming here, and in a few weeks there will be money in the clubs cash stash for once to pay for it. Needless to say if Livestream has sales and a booth at this years NAB, I'm going to Have a very LOOONNNGG conversation with them.
Sometimes no matter what it is and all if it don't work or work for a long time one needs to just throw it out, and get something new that does. Maybe its time that HazzardAyre, SpeedWrenchRadio and others of our network looks elsewhere other than Livestream to carry our shows. Say what you will as good as it is, streaming will not replace over the air radio.
Learned there's a few legal hoops still to jump through on the recovery of the Montgomery Foundation money, but I'm told by 2nd cousin Shari, that these are just boilerplate legal skirmishes and that I should have the money by the end of next week or first of the following week, which will make me happy as I can make up some of the back rents and February's rent on the shop of Mr. Voss' that we rent here. Changes are coming there too but I'll fill you in on tonight SpeedWrench Radio Show, that hopefully will archive on Livestream.