Sunday, January 24, 2016

Lets talk of Legal Brothels, or uplifting them to legal status

Over the last few days here in our beloved Idaho and across the nation, we have seen a slight uptick of sworn officials getting arrested in taking advantage of youth and all in their care. One in Mountain Home Idaho, and a few elsewhere. Women these days are not as plentiful nor as open minded or willing to just jump in bed with just anyone, and guys, being guys needing relief being tired of Suzi Palm and her five finger sisters, go after not legal tender. However and I have been a champion of this for years, lets have legal brothels, some privately owned but inspected and regulated by city, county, state inspectors and health departments. The ultimate thing here is so that if guys need relief, can pay to get relieved. Our nation and us male corpuscles are bombarded with sexually stimulating images, discussions every hour of every day. While your mind may say not her any day, your natural instincts say, why the heck not. So when an innocent is available many in a place of power do partake, of forbidden fruit. From school Principals to LDS Bishops and such, the harvesting takes place. Some it at least from the LDS side is from the ancient days of polygamy where if a Church leader wants he takes. But I'm getting off subject. If you need to get your rocks off , where do you go? Sure Wells, Elko and elsewheres Nevada, but what about in Idaho, Wyoming and even Utah. Years ago , while a bit foggy and all on the official intent of the law, Ada County and Boise had brothels. The cops knew where they were, but left them alone. Why? Because the brothels provided a service to a need. Sexual gratification, for a price. Sure many say , ah you don't need to pay for it, its free, naw it ain't. All Marriage and all is , is sex for money on the extended payment plan. Plus if its not within a brothel, you risk , sex related illness's , pregnancy, and much more. Within the brothel setting, you get exactly what you want with the kind of woman you want and leave with a great memory and a brewski in your hand. 
With the increase of sexual crimes on the rise, I have an idea, how about we legalize brothels, and make that an issue in the election season this year?