Saturday, January 30, 2016

I just love the smell of fresh cut wood in the morning

I just love the smell of fresh cut wood the first thing in the morning. I mean, really, went down to the shop , Rick was there cutting up some wood for fire wood inside the shop, and so I pitched in and loaded his trailer. Mostly cause , LexiBelle was outside and I never like her outside getting cold. But in loading Ricks trailer through the gloves my hands now smell like fresh cut wood, and its a nice smell. Upon arriving home, smelled the lingering aroma of female skunk piss(perfume) inside the RoadHouse, this wouldn't be so bad except, who ever it was had left. Now you'd think I'd lock the door here which I would, thing is the cheap critters that own this joint, would rebuild the door jamb so I could lock the door, even if you do you can push it back open again. But found out yesterday that part of the initial investment to the forming of Inland Property management to construct the complex was in fact Metropolitan Securities Summit investments. Which was the annuity cousin invested my money into, which I just might own this complex inadvertanly and not even know it, wouldn't that be a hoot? Speaking of which we are much closer. I think by this weeks end not only will I have money to help pay on some of the back rent and bills on the shop to Mr. Voss and others, but my Allwest bill, plus have enough to invest in LexiBelle, LiL Wolf, and the General, and still have enough left over to go to NAB, so things are looking up. 
Any mile tired really tired so I'm headed to bed, see ya'll on the radio at 11:00 hours.