Thursday, May 4, 2017

What you have known has changed to what is and will be

What you have known has changed to what is and what will be and needs to be. 
Many Confederate pages, newsprint and other communiques of the Confederacy has been aimed at heritage, and history. While to know where your going you need to look to where you have been is important. But to dwell on the past, just breeds complacency. What there needs to be is a modern movement set in the bowels of Today's Confederacy, and that's what we are here to do. 
In years gone by it has been somewhat focused on the hit TV show the Dukes-of-Hazzard as a point of order, rather than the spice that it was meant to be. It has always been the goal of the Knytes to go beyond just the fabled Duke family and expand into the rest of that mythical community called Hazzard County. Like wise the Iron Knytes Association aim to go beyond the ideals of the historical Confederacy and expand into what that means today and begin in a way if not overthrow the current American government, but to remold it into a governing body that takes into account and serves the American people. What we have today in this nations capitol, is a bunch of puppets controlled by the strings of huge billionaires, not serving the people whose pocketbooks keep shrinking, communities dieing and business's giving up. We have a corrupt, Senate and House , that needs cleaned out. There is the coasts and big cities that get the Federal monies not the middle land and rural states. Just this last week, the FEMA agency refused to provide the state of Idaho, funding for the restoration of land and infrastructure repairs due to the early spring run off and floods of late 2016.  Farmers, ranchers, and even rural towns suffered, yet if this was the condition in say a major east or west coast big city area, those funds would come at a rate that would match the mythical warp speed. Yes President Trump there is a nation between the two coasts. Many of which has people that feed, fuel, and labor to bring the rest of the nation fuels from coal and oil. Just this past month, OPEC, raised the price of oil. In followthrough fuel stations raised the prices of diesel and gasoline. This only hurts families looking to vacation, but also America's over the road truckers, since we have to raise our rates to compensate. Then today President Trump got his way, and the repeal of Obamacare was achieved, which puts millions of sole parent families into a condition of no health coverage. Sure some can buy health insurance, but few can afford that. Many rely on Medicaid. President Trump's plan will soon put an end to Medicaid.  Enough is enough. Its time to raise the flag of Dixie, and charge up the hill to a victory that redoes and restores the Government to this union what our forefathers saw, and put into place. What many have died to defend and protect. What we have is far from a UNITED States, and a more UN-UNITED and divided states. 
What you knew as the Hazzard County Tymez has changed to the Confederate Steele Kountry Tymez. Its goal is to educate, stimulate, and rejuvinate a nation under threat of Communizm. 
Join us here and on as we change a course that needs a new crew and a new captain steering the ship of freedom and liberty, guided by God and love of Jesus Christ, not a dominating bunch of puppets guided only by their wallets.