Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Still working on tech problems and, really shopping for legs and toes in hose

All parts of the HazzardAyre/Iron Knytes Radio Network are still off air due to tech problems but we plan on being on air overnight today into early morning Wednesday.
Would be great to have knowledgeable people in the world of broadcast IT and engineering here, as well as so would it be a wonderment if those who say they are on board really stepped up. Sadly a few here in Etown Wyoming are not hungry enough to get involved, but then this is not a surprise. 
Now with that said all morning we had a conference via Skype here with the Iron Knytes High Council. Much of the conversation was in the area of rehashing old topics, however there are some new parts to the puzzle that have came into play. Even though there is currently a requirment, that a radio station studios can't be more than 20 miles away from said stations transmitter and tower. However the new head guy at the FCC has proposed to relax that regulation and with a translator filing opening up here soon, a station's studios can be in say Metro-Utah even though the actual signal is in say here in Evanston. With that being what it is, thoughts of the Knytes are to locate the studios in Metro Utah, where the better resources are located and still be on the surface a station here in Evanston, or even Eastern Idaho. 
That being that the push is on to finalize any and all candidates as far as the ladies we are recruiting for both on air radio talent as well as the Pinups, and Poster girls that we need for the ultimate Confederate rebel, radical gearheads website, that will have our online radio station embeded into that website. What captures my eyes and attention the most? Curvy legs in nylons, size 6 or smaller feet and dainty toes hopefully in nylons. After all one can't have a radio network whose core is going toewing without showing lots of leg and especially toes. 
If you are a sweetheart with those looks that wants to generate at least $300.00 an hour and have the rest of the package then get in touch at ayrewolf@gmail.com or 307-679-7209 for more information. 
Weather in our area changes quickly, the time of the year to do serious photography and videography, and with that next month we begin production. So if any of our Club sisters, as well as anyone else wants to step up, get in touch.