Monday, May 15, 2017

If the shoes don't fit, change shoes

So long Wells Fargo Hello CSc bank. After the months long endeavor of having to deal with to wet behind the ears unexperienced tellers and so called bank executives I made the switch today to Csc Bank, of Idaho, that will be the financial institution for the Iron Knytes as well as myself. Granted Csc Bank isn't as big as Wells Fargo, not as many branches yet, dealing where the officers and decision makers are local rather than in Gay Bat California or somewhere that has no idea where puiny Evanston Wyoming or such is. In the O.J. Simpson trial the line was , if it don't fit, you must equit. In my situation the shoe didn't fit so I changed shoes.
Okay then, got a call from a honey named Tina, who is kinda on board with the poster girl pinup thing for the clubs ad stuff, again from Texas, hope this one works out. I get tired I mean really tyred of seatcovers from across the nation that says their in the project, but then backs away from the gig, just about the time that some human interaction needs to take place like in the toew smooch and I'm the one with egg on my face with the Club. Of course just once, I'd like to see pics of the prospect lady talent, put on a pair of nylons and take a selfie of her stocking toes. 
Last but not least, spent most of the day fixing computer issues, from that cyber attack that many of you heard about. Think I have the problems worked out but not sure yet. Which mean to you no online radio overnight, just over the air here in my hole in the road.