Again hope our new gal Alesha is up to it.
Okay then; with the conference meeting call. We have won the coin toss and regained our original call letters and frequency in Idaho which as things have happened here in Evanston Wyoming will be again our flagship station.
As such getting the toew smooch back in is crucial, but more over the conference call meeting overnight, resulted in most of agreeing that for the time being to strip away much of the rest of our online broadcasting offerings, and have the main thing on our menu as Highway Hooker Radio as well as for those involved in heavy duty toewing Heavy Hooker Radio. Remember the Iron Knytes Association is after all a independent towing professionals organization first, over the road truckers organization second and the rest of it both Confederate history and all third, and aviation and bikers organization fourth. The other half of this is the Iron Knytes, is aiming at getting up the idea of submitting Highway Hooker Radio to XM/Sirius satellite radio, just need to find out how. That said we had better have a product, and a complete staff on board and trained to make our offering spit polished and shined.
For every thing that's over the road long haul trucker radio that's on XM, still there is nothing really there for us who toew. It's our desire and mission to deliver that as only the Iron Knytes can do it.
A few more things here. Many people bitch about me putting the two words TOE and TOW together. I was not the first and most likely won't be the last to do that. The reason I started doing it was one day at then; AyreWolfFM, I was hammering away on my computer key board ad copy for a toew service there. I kept mis spelling the word tow as toe, its not that all uncommon. So one of my new hired interns said why not just scrunch the two words together? Resulting in toew. Next: The idea of having two people in a radio studio is not such a far reach. I conceived the idea with Robin, after listening to the Interstate Trucker Radio Network, for many years. There was one maybe two guys in the main studio, with 5 other ladies in there. One did news, one did trucker weather, one did special feature reports, one did road and highway reports and one other introduced music sets. ITRN was bought btw by us and converted to Dixie Diesel Trucker Radio in 1992 . In 1993, I brought in Robin, (long before Robin Quivers of Howard Stern Fame) and the mix sounded good. But it takes a certain pinache to pull that off in a 10X10 studio for 6 hours much less than the usual 12 that I did in 92 to 2005. Remember HazzardAyre never saw daylight until 2012. With the reintroduction of both KTOW FM and Highway Hooker Radio the only show on radio for us who toew on any station in the nation, dedicated to us trying to make a buck driving a toew truck, having a second or even third seat in the studio, that can read copy and all and make it work, ought to be a lady or two. Can she be found? Sure, but certainly not in Evanston Wyoming, but metro Utah, as well as back home near Hazzard, I don't see as a problem. I tried to get Erin to go on air, but she tried it once, got so upset she couldn't read a short news story, tripping over the word BOSE as in a headset for pilots and the city of trees Boise, that I couldn't get her to read copy. But at least she did bail out LexiBelle and she did let me smooch her toews.