So close you could smell it and yet held back due to a Federal agency. Got word from Senator Enzi's office today regarding our efforts on establishing a terrestrial radio station here in southwestern Wyoming. The word is due to a prior bunch of fees owed to the FCC no transfer of license. So we need to push for a filing window to get a completely new license reissued. Trouble is the revenuers in DC take one helluva long time to open a filing window. Which means bottom line, doing what we do online through Cyber radio, until such time as a filing window does open. The flip side of that coin with the economic conditions of Evanston Wyoming, my thought is why even mess with it? A Cyber radio station can be operated in metro Utah or Eastern Idaho just as easy as go nowhere Etown here, plus in both metro Utah, as well as eastern Idaho, one can unearth both human and other resources not available in Etown here.
The Iron Knytes are not done here yet, just taking a distant observation point, do what we do in Utah/Idaho, and if and when a filing window opens dive in and consume like a buzzard.
Days like this I pray and ask Heavenly Father(God) why did you bring me here, more over keep throwing road blocks in my way so as I can't get out of here? It's just a shame that a Federal agency so antiquaited is the only piece of the puzzle keeping us from launching KSOA.
More after the show ,