Sunday, May 28, 2017

Memorial Day Monday and those quirky things that just says your rebel enough to be a Knyte

There was once upon a era when such a thing as finding a pair of well worn and heavily female scented nylons in an envelope in your mailbox was a trinket of some humor as well as kinky enough in the Club house to get other members of the Club to look away from their usual slightly fermented beverage and go, hey she's just wyld enough to be a Knyte. Not just a auxilliary member of the Ladies of the Knytes, but a lady full patched voting member. Today that request goes mostly ignored and forgotten. In fact outside of two in our most recent past has any lady, put fully worn/scented in the snail mail, and sent them to us. To us as an 1%er MC that is a covert way of saying I'm truly into your organization that demands to be a part of it, and is willing to go through the process of being a patched and inked member, not just some Club groupie. 
Doing that simple thing is a sure fyre way of getting recognized by the High Council of the Knytes, and being rewarded with such things as financial gifts for a bike, or other assistance. 
One of the things however that marvels me, is the fact that all too many filies see the post header or title of these many blogs and postings, yet do not take the time, to go off facebook or elsewhere, and come to the main site of the news, views and SkuttleButt of the Club. How are you or how is ANYONE!! Going to know what we're about, if their not willing to take 15 minutes out of their fb scrolling trolling and at least read this publication or the other posts each day? 
If your too busy to read what we write and all, maybe the Knytes are way too busy for you. 
Okay then; While April 26th is the true Confederate Memorial Day, conceive this: Monday is the traditional day of memory and honoring our military veterans that have paid the ultimate price for our nation. I will not say liberty nor true freedom, since neither has taken place, and government corruption abounds throughout our governing bodies, both in DC with the DC Occupiers and those renting offices and making deals. Consider too, Memorial Day was created by the Daughters of the Confederacy, and made a national holiday, by, believe it or not by the U.S. Congress . When I see all the dishonor that is going on in Louisiana and such over our Confederate Generals, and President, as well as the destruction of Confederate grave yards and ripping apart of our Confederate flags 
 I have to ask who is truly the enemy and who are those who really fought for this nation ? 
 Maybe those who don't know any better ought to restudy their military and domestic history. So here's an idea friends, instead of just having that weekend brewski and hot dog Monday, find a true Confederate in your town or two, and take em out for lunch, more over if there is a Confederate grave in your town, why not go and put our flag on one of those graves and thank them for THEIR service, not just those who have served in the Union military. Are you REBEL enough to send nylons to the Club, and are you REBEL enough to honor our Confederate military? If so you just might be REBEL enough to be a Knyte. If your not, don't be knocking at our Club-Houses door.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Still working on tech problems and, really shopping for legs and toes in hose

All parts of the HazzardAyre/Iron Knytes Radio Network are still off air due to tech problems but we plan on being on air overnight today into early morning Wednesday.
Would be great to have knowledgeable people in the world of broadcast IT and engineering here, as well as so would it be a wonderment if those who say they are on board really stepped up. Sadly a few here in Etown Wyoming are not hungry enough to get involved, but then this is not a surprise. 
Now with that said all morning we had a conference via Skype here with the Iron Knytes High Council. Much of the conversation was in the area of rehashing old topics, however there are some new parts to the puzzle that have came into play. Even though there is currently a requirment, that a radio station studios can't be more than 20 miles away from said stations transmitter and tower. However the new head guy at the FCC has proposed to relax that regulation and with a translator filing opening up here soon, a station's studios can be in say Metro-Utah even though the actual signal is in say here in Evanston. With that being what it is, thoughts of the Knytes are to locate the studios in Metro Utah, where the better resources are located and still be on the surface a station here in Evanston, or even Eastern Idaho. 
That being that the push is on to finalize any and all candidates as far as the ladies we are recruiting for both on air radio talent as well as the Pinups, and Poster girls that we need for the ultimate Confederate rebel, radical gearheads website, that will have our online radio station embeded into that website. What captures my eyes and attention the most? Curvy legs in nylons, size 6 or smaller feet and dainty toes hopefully in nylons. After all one can't have a radio network whose core is going toewing without showing lots of leg and especially toes. 
If you are a sweetheart with those looks that wants to generate at least $300.00 an hour and have the rest of the package then get in touch at or 307-679-7209 for more information. 
Weather in our area changes quickly, the time of the year to do serious photography and videography, and with that next month we begin production. So if any of our Club sisters, as well as anyone else wants to step up, get in touch. 

Monday, May 15, 2017

If the shoes don't fit, change shoes

So long Wells Fargo Hello CSc bank. After the months long endeavor of having to deal with to wet behind the ears unexperienced tellers and so called bank executives I made the switch today to Csc Bank, of Idaho, that will be the financial institution for the Iron Knytes as well as myself. Granted Csc Bank isn't as big as Wells Fargo, not as many branches yet, dealing where the officers and decision makers are local rather than in Gay Bat California or somewhere that has no idea where puiny Evanston Wyoming or such is. In the O.J. Simpson trial the line was , if it don't fit, you must equit. In my situation the shoe didn't fit so I changed shoes.
Okay then, got a call from a honey named Tina, who is kinda on board with the poster girl pinup thing for the clubs ad stuff, again from Texas, hope this one works out. I get tired I mean really tyred of seatcovers from across the nation that says their in the project, but then backs away from the gig, just about the time that some human interaction needs to take place like in the toew smooch and I'm the one with egg on my face with the Club. Of course just once, I'd like to see pics of the prospect lady talent, put on a pair of nylons and take a selfie of her stocking toes. 
Last but not least, spent most of the day fixing computer issues, from that cyber attack that many of you heard about. Think I have the problems worked out but not sure yet. Which mean to you no online radio overnight, just over the air here in my hole in the road. 

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

before I can toss everything out need to replace the infamous toew smooch first and The hooker is back out in radio form

Good Galldarn morning to ya'll from OUR Hazzard County. Over the night amongst reruns of some old Disney series' I had a conference meeting call with a few of our Knytes members as well as my WolfPack. The realization that Nurse Goodbody is gone and the pain of that is easing, still the fact is before I can delete everything that she helped create including the infamous toew smooch that has became our companies trademark, needs to at least be renewed and/or replaced. Hope our new main babe Alesha is up to that task. I have asked as I did then what the big deal is about putting my lips against toes in nylon hose since its me that needs to deal with the musky aroma not her. Granted its a thing of 15 to 20 minutes for a photographer to get the just got it shot, but still, it's not like I asked her to drop her drawers and consider doing the animal thing. While Erin wasn't the only one that ever did this, one is of course our Robin(Miss Dixie-Diesel 1993) who without the slightest whimper dropped her heels and said have at it. The next were two in Tooele Utah, but I will say Erin did it without 20 million questions. Although Emme Lee did that too, and looking back that might have been a better course to follow. Who knows. But my lips on a gals toes in nylon hose needs to be before I completely shed Erin's pics. Like I said hope Alesha's able to get the deed done. Why is this important? The origination came from a tag line from a tow service near Star Valley, that read, " We don't want your arms or legs just your tows. " Shortly after with the Dukes-of-Hazzard and all being so leggy I saw this version of Cinderella with the Prince placing the glass shoe on Cinderella's foot, and remembering an ad from Boise involving a plumber kissing a woman's hand as would be proper, in old English circles, and I thought , oohh We Luv Toews. This would come back in a good way in 1998, was back in the homestead near Hazzard Idaho, and was doing Dixie Diesel Radio, alongside both Highway Hooker and Heavy Hooker Radio. Of course our call letters KTOW or KAY Tow was our station there. At the time Overdrive Magazine was doing syndicated programs hosted by legendary radio host Bill Mack. As is custom, getting some intro's and station liners was in line, so I sent down via email what I needed the liners to say. Even old Bill, had trouble with the word TOW. He would rhyme it with COW, rather than toe. So I sent down an old pic of Robin, and I me kissing her nyloned toes, and he got it. Ever since, the shot has been us unmistakable and as said before I trash everything from Erin, need to renew or redoux that particular shot.
Again hope our new gal Alesha is up to it.
Okay then; with the conference meeting call. We have won the coin toss and regained our original call letters and frequency in Idaho which as things have happened here in Evanston Wyoming will be again our flagship station. 
  As such getting the toew smooch back in is crucial, but more over the conference call meeting overnight, resulted in most of agreeing that for the time being to strip away much of the rest of our online broadcasting offerings, and have the main thing on our menu as Highway Hooker Radio as well as for those involved in heavy duty toewing Heavy Hooker Radio. Remember the Iron Knytes Association is after all a independent towing professionals organization first, over the road truckers organization second and the rest of it both Confederate history and all third, and aviation and bikers organization fourth. The other half of this is the Iron Knytes, is aiming at getting up the idea of submitting Highway Hooker Radio to XM/Sirius satellite radio, just need to find out how. That said we had better have a product, and a complete staff on board and trained to make our offering spit polished and shined. 
For every thing that's over the road long haul trucker radio that's on XM, still there is nothing really there for us who toew. It's our desire and mission to deliver that as only the Iron Knytes can do it. 
 So yes Highway Hooker and KTOW is back together and ready for battle. 
A few more things here. Many people bitch about me putting the two words TOE and TOW together. I was not the first and most likely won't be the last to do that. The reason I started doing it was one day at then; AyreWolfFM, I was hammering away on my computer key board ad copy for a toew service there. I kept mis spelling the word tow as toe, its not that all uncommon. So one of my new hired interns said why not just scrunch the two words together? Resulting in toew. Next: The idea of having two people in a radio studio is not such a far reach. I conceived the idea with Robin, after listening to the Interstate Trucker Radio Network, for many years. There was one maybe two guys in the main studio, with 5 other ladies in there. One did news, one did trucker weather, one did special feature reports, one did road and highway reports and one other introduced music sets. ITRN was bought btw by us and converted to Dixie Diesel Trucker Radio in 1992 . In 1993, I brought in Robin, (long before Robin Quivers of Howard Stern Fame) and the mix sounded good. But it takes a certain pinache to pull that off in a 10X10 studio for 6 hours much less than the usual 12 that I did in 92 to 2005. Remember HazzardAyre never saw daylight until 2012. With the reintroduction of both KTOW FM and Highway Hooker Radio the only show on radio for us who toew on any station in the nation, dedicated to us trying to make a buck driving a toew truck, having a second or even third seat in the studio, that can read copy and all and make it work, ought to be a lady or two. Can she be found? Sure, but certainly not in Evanston Wyoming, but metro Utah, as well as back home near Hazzard, I don't see as a problem. I tried to get Erin to go on air, but she tried it once, got so upset she couldn't read a short news story, tripping over the word BOSE as in a headset for pilots and the city of trees Boise, that I couldn't get her to read copy. But at least she did bail out LexiBelle and she did let me smooch her toews. 

Monday, May 8, 2017

Almost there, its a shame that the only thing keeping us from our goal is a Federal agency

So close you could smell it and yet held back due to a Federal agency. Got word from Senator Enzi's office today regarding our efforts on establishing a terrestrial radio station here in southwestern Wyoming. The word is due to a prior bunch of fees owed to the FCC no transfer of license. So we need to push for a filing window to get a completely new license reissued. Trouble is the revenuers in DC take one helluva long time to open a filing window. Which means bottom line, doing what we do online through Cyber radio, until such time as a filing window does open. The flip side of that coin with the economic conditions of Evanston Wyoming, my thought is why even mess with it? A Cyber radio station can be operated in metro Utah or Eastern Idaho just as easy as go nowhere Etown here, plus in both metro Utah, as well as eastern Idaho, one can unearth both human and other resources not available in Etown here. 
The Iron Knytes are not done here yet, just taking a distant observation point, do what we do in Utah/Idaho, and if and when a filing window opens dive in and consume like a buzzard. 
Days like this I pray and ask Heavenly Father(God) why did you bring me here, more over keep throwing road blocks in my way so as I can't get out of here? It's just a shame that a Federal agency so antiquaited is the only piece of the puzzle keeping us from launching KSOA. 
More after the show , 

Thursday, May 4, 2017

What you have known has changed to what is and will be

What you have known has changed to what is and what will be and needs to be. 
Many Confederate pages, newsprint and other communiques of the Confederacy has been aimed at heritage, and history. While to know where your going you need to look to where you have been is important. But to dwell on the past, just breeds complacency. What there needs to be is a modern movement set in the bowels of Today's Confederacy, and that's what we are here to do. 
In years gone by it has been somewhat focused on the hit TV show the Dukes-of-Hazzard as a point of order, rather than the spice that it was meant to be. It has always been the goal of the Knytes to go beyond just the fabled Duke family and expand into the rest of that mythical community called Hazzard County. Like wise the Iron Knytes Association aim to go beyond the ideals of the historical Confederacy and expand into what that means today and begin in a way if not overthrow the current American government, but to remold it into a governing body that takes into account and serves the American people. What we have today in this nations capitol, is a bunch of puppets controlled by the strings of huge billionaires, not serving the people whose pocketbooks keep shrinking, communities dieing and business's giving up. We have a corrupt, Senate and House , that needs cleaned out. There is the coasts and big cities that get the Federal monies not the middle land and rural states. Just this last week, the FEMA agency refused to provide the state of Idaho, funding for the restoration of land and infrastructure repairs due to the early spring run off and floods of late 2016.  Farmers, ranchers, and even rural towns suffered, yet if this was the condition in say a major east or west coast big city area, those funds would come at a rate that would match the mythical warp speed. Yes President Trump there is a nation between the two coasts. Many of which has people that feed, fuel, and labor to bring the rest of the nation fuels from coal and oil. Just this past month, OPEC, raised the price of oil. In followthrough fuel stations raised the prices of diesel and gasoline. This only hurts families looking to vacation, but also America's over the road truckers, since we have to raise our rates to compensate. Then today President Trump got his way, and the repeal of Obamacare was achieved, which puts millions of sole parent families into a condition of no health coverage. Sure some can buy health insurance, but few can afford that. Many rely on Medicaid. President Trump's plan will soon put an end to Medicaid.  Enough is enough. Its time to raise the flag of Dixie, and charge up the hill to a victory that redoes and restores the Government to this union what our forefathers saw, and put into place. What many have died to defend and protect. What we have is far from a UNITED States, and a more UN-UNITED and divided states. 
What you knew as the Hazzard County Tymez has changed to the Confederate Steele Kountry Tymez. Its goal is to educate, stimulate, and rejuvinate a nation under threat of Communizm. 
Join us here and on as we change a course that needs a new crew and a new captain steering the ship of freedom and liberty, guided by God and love of Jesus Christ, not a dominating bunch of puppets guided only by their wallets.