Saturday, August 27, 2016

Same stuff, different day. And is Sunday the day of rest or just the start of the week?

First lesson of the day, do not eat a Chefs salad that's been in the Fridgeadeezer for a month. Good going down , not so much later on. Just about taking a nap so I can be all furry and awake to go on air tonite. Its been one of those days today, (something on that in a few,) but SheWolf has been texting me much of the day about how sorry she was for accusing me of stepping out on her, and yet when I mentioned that an older woman was coming over to do Bible study so I can teach class in the morning, SheWolf gets all pissey ass'd. Damn, does she not fully trust me? Hell Celest is pushing 65 years old, not very photo quality in the looks department, and for her nether regions, I'd never go there. But she does know scripture and on the topic I'm teaching in the morning, I need all the aid I can get here. I keep trying to tell my SheWolf, if I was going to step out would I really text her and say hey, honey I'm going to go poke fun at some woman? That'd be like telling someone your going to go commit shoplifting. Or something. Bottom line same crap, different day.
Now onto my lesson . I chose the subject of, is the day of rest and scripture study Sunday or Saturday. In most ancient chapters of the bible it says Saturday is the day of rest or the Sabbath Day. However in later chapters is tells us that its Sunday. The Amalgamated Church of Dixie believes its Saturday. That it was created not for God, but for man. It says in Gen 1, that God created the earth in 6 days and on the 7th he rested. Which is right? 
As my final thought here. To my Shelly, keep accusing me of stepping out and one of these days, that's what I'm going to do. I have kept myself for you for 7 months now. No hinky or kinky. Yet any time a lady comes up in our chats you get all goofy. 
Somebody needs to do a study on this and how to reprogram the human female mind.