Sunday, August 21, 2016

My Final Thoughts PhooteNotes

My final thoughts and phootenotes. 
First supporting and or associate members are not fully patched nor do they have voting privlages. All they can say is they are card carrying members without any power in the club. Second. Outside of 4 that have proved themselves. Mirinda, Erin, Emmy, and Robin, no woman has become a voting patched member. It's not done. Being a organization such as ours, women are women and thus a patriarch style organization. Then I found that the right rear tail lights as well as turn/brake lights not working on LexiBelle. No wires connected, maybe this is part of my electrical drain on old LexiBelle? So went down to Wal-Mart to get a wiring kit, and some wire. However and years back I could crawl right up into the bed of old LexiBelle, but me getting older need a small ladder to get up enough to crawl up in. So looked in Wal-Mart for a medium height step ladder, the only one they had was not a small one, and the $40.00 they wanted? Phooey. So going to Cazins(Kay-Zeens) here Monday. Then start work on that as well as my flood lights.
Last and it must be said. Last week in our Priesthood meeting it was said to a degree that one could procreate better relationships at Church amongst the brethren than at a bar. Really? It's been nearly two years since I made the very painful, relocation here and real mistake of staying here. During that time at Church, outside of two, Dave and Vern, and in a way our Bishop, but the rest have yet, except on assignment or by requirement, has any of the rest came here to the Wolf's Lair, let alone tried to reach out to be a friend. The rest of the congregation keeps me at arms distance, the rest are so dang stupid, that I'm not particulurly interested in becoming their brethren friend. Not one has invited (no take that back one did, but I never found out where it was at) but few have invited me to their home for Family home evening, or to break bread. Nothing. Yet down at the Legal and others at least at the bar, many have came over, taken me to eat, and have reached out. Today, I'm going to begin a new tradition, go to Sacrament meeting, Sunday school, and opening excersizes of Priesthood meeting, but leaving before that class starts. One of the top commandments of our Heavenly Father is to treat others as you would want to be treated yourself. When the ward starts reaching out to me , I'll be more inclined to reach out to them. See you on the radio is my sign off here, but the words used to be the outgo of Charles Osgood, of the Osgood Files on CBS Radio early mornings. That tag has stuck, so as he said and I'll say, 
See You Ya'll on the Radio.