Sunday, August 21, 2016

Not everybody who wants to join the Knytes Can be a Knyte

B4 I get into the thick of things here, need to say that I'm thankful to the Club this past week, for all their help, and for the wonderful time we had last night up at Legal Tender here in Evanston, Wyoming. Lots of great ladies and great food. Ya'll pulled me out of a really sour mood, again, bro's and sis's thanks.
Okay then; after getting my head back on and sitting down at the computer this morning, saw a few people wanted to join both of our organizations Facebook pages/groups. This would be fine, except our groups/pages are not for entertainment. Nor is the organizations. Both organizations are serious gearhead people dedicated to the preservation and resurrection of southern heritage and history. At the same time aiding our communities. Not all who want to be part of our Facebook pages/groups are going to be allowed. Nor are they allowed in the respective real world organizations. 
So then, how does a person join the Knytes? First you don't just wake some morning, tie your shoe laces and take a piss and say I want to join the Knytes. You first have to be nominated to join the Knytes. Then you become a Prospect, or prospective member, doing crap jobs and near slave labor. Next you have to pay MONEY $$ to become a Knyte. Prospects pay $500.00 a month for two years, one year to spouses wanting to join. Speaking about spouses, women who become what is called the Ladies-of-the Knytes, for that first year are subject to physical interaction with any officer of the club. (that means having sex with them ) at any request. Unless that spouse can demonstrate they have knowledge skills that will benefit the organization, be it Legal, office skills, modeling or acting skills, and so on. No skills? Hike up your skirts honeys.
Next you have to take written knowledge courses of the Confederacy. Then if you pass those tests, then you are voted on by the Executive High Council officers, then you'll be subjected to being voted on by the rest of the majority of the organizations, and if you pass that you will then be invited to attend a swearing in ceremony, a blood melding ceremony where we bleed into a cup, and all take a drink. You then become a member. Or as we say it a Patched member. 
If you can't handle that, don't ask to join our Facebook pages/groups, because the answer is no, but hell no.
Any way have Church this morning at 09:00 so gotta go catch some sleep. See you on air this afternoon, at 14:00 hours on our channel, at 23:00 on; and on KKOD(Knyte-of-Dixie) AM 1240 .