Sunday, August 21, 2016

But Hey we only made a $100.00 profit last week its not yet time to claim victory !!

Sorry about this afternoon, and sorry well sorta sorry to our Bishop, for not being at Church this morning. The mind wanted to, but the body could muster the ability. The body after this past week was just plain tuckered and so I got up took a leak and went back to bed. In doing some online shopping found the best deal in a ladder is right here. Sure Harbor Freight in Ogden has a mini ladder for $30.00 but by the time you take into account the drive there and back, wear and tare on the General and all its best just to buy the one here. 
Okay then. While its true that we made $100.00 last week that's all well and good, but $100.00 is a spit in a bucket considering all that we as a club, and I as a VP have went through just to get to this point. While the sale of one sponsor is good, it does pale in comparison to the investment already made, plus the need for more people especially locals to be involved, especially the women of the community. On air as well as in sales and clerical. How long is that going to take? A year? Another two? I don't have that much longer on this earth. Winter is damn near here, LexiBelle must be ready to re-enter service in three months. And Montpelier is going to most likely be home. The fact that what? In a year or so from now I'm going to be hitched and all, I damn sure am not bringing my Shelly back to this sewer called Evanston Wyoming. Any mile need to head to the shower , go grab something to eat so I can get in gear to bring you HazzardAyre Coast 2 Coast FM starting at 23:00 this evening on: