Thursday, February 18, 2016

Just who are these people?

So with it snowing and little heat at the shop , I sat at home at the ready if I should be needed. So I watched the Big Bang Theory, this is going to be interesting, watch and see if Penny doesn't become pregnant by end of this season. With the Big Bang Theory over, I switched over to CNN's Townhall episode, that's as much as they are any more, and went to sleep over the first two candidates showered with the boring thing with Jeb Bush, and found it interesting that no body has asked these candidates anything about farm policy, agriculture policy, or surface transportation policy. What will these people do for farmers? Has any of them ever milked a cow, or worked hard in a field heaving hay bales? Can you see Donald Trump feeding a calf by a bottle? Can you see Rubio driving a truck? These people are so damned urbanized that as far as rural America or farming they have no clue as to what is going on. Who would Donald Trump nominate for secretary of Agriculture, Who would Jeb Bush nominate as transportation Secretary? The Townhall was in South Carolina , why wasn't the issue of retention as a historic symbol our flag of Dixie brought up? Did the whole thing just get buried under the rug? Was this Townhall scripted? I'll believe a Yankee Presidential candidate who drives up in a 75 Ford pickup, in a pair of farm overalls, with a shovel in one hand and a plastic irrigation dam in the other. I'll trust a Presidential candidate that orders or suggests that a fresh milk , milking barn be erected on the grounds of the White House and that elected President, out at 5:00 AM milking that cow, and feeding chickens. Then of course there are the commentators . CNN has some of the most boring old farts on TV, little female eye candy, which is not surprising since FoX News has all the leggy blondes, but do any of these people have a real clue as to what is really going on in America? I remember the SuperBowl ad Dodge produced a few years ago praising farmers, I'd like to add one phraze in that script of Paul Harvey, When God needed someone to lead the nation as President, God made a Farmer. 
That's what we need in Washington DC, and in our state leadership, both Governors and those we send to Washington, Can you see Bernie Sanders, feeding hogs at 6:00AM? Or Hilary Clinton, rounding up strays to brand? It's no longer that City meets Country, its time for Country to invade City, mainly DC. 
My opinion I could be wrong.
See all on at 10:00 AM