Friday, February 5, 2016

Expanding the HazzardAyre Network, we are where no one has been or are.

The direction is nearly set , just need to gather everything together and get things in order to make a graceful exit. Overnight after looking over many things, seeing where rentals are much less expensive yet offers more in a location that offers more, I came to the conclusion that yes it is time to sideline Hazzard County Choppers , Highway-Hooker/SpeedWrench Toewing here in Evanston, and look to transplanting some ops to the west Utah desert, as well as back to Cassia County Idaho. But I'm looking over things carefully and feeling things out , but there is a need at least for the Wolf-Pack to put a shell in the head of this mistake I made a little over a year ago, moving to Evanston Wyoming. While I'll be there doing my part to pay the bills on the shop, and all, its just not making the kind of money it could, and my presence there isn't going to help it any. While no harm was ever intended there are way too many people here that wear their feelings and opinions on their sleeves. I can't help if someone takes a simple sarcastic piece of speech and makes it evil, I  can't prevent a compliment from being taken as that of someone on the prowl for lamb chops. What I can see is the greater Twin Falls and Idaho in general's economy growing faster than cannabis in dense forests, if your in business you need to look at where the flows of money is and where it ain't and as bad as some want to admit it, Evanston Wyoming is NOT where the money is flowing. Like water in sub zero temps, Money is frozen and controlled , and between the club and I there just is not enough incentive in any way, that would keep my interests in Evanston, but I have 3 vehicles that need serviced to make road worthy, plus find a place to dwell, then move and with NAB coming up in April the move most likely will not happen until late May or early June, but hey I gave it my all, but even when your prize race horse becomes lame, you don't keep nursing the horse you shoot it and move on. My partner in the shop thinks Evanston is all sweet and tasty, for him it just maybe, he has many friends here. Me I don't deal with his friends nor their appetites thus I'm not loved. Or even liked. 
Good show overnight, I'll be back in later this evening then at our regular time Saturday morning at 04:00 hours.