Friday, February 12, 2016

I just hate big corporations and big money deals, executives hardly keep their word

So here I am waiting on the U.S. Mail for a check that was due here today from the settlement involving the Montgomery Trust. Guess what? Never came, so I get on the phone and try to get in touch with those involved. I get told they are waiting on documents. I damn sure wish I had those documents, the only ones available is in Utah at cousin Shars, in a box and I'm broke and thus can't go fetch. Both my second cousin and that Metro Creditors Trust, should not have said they had money for me unless they were ready to send it. That way I could have redirected resources and all differently, including paying the shops landlord, cable and all of that. But $3500.00 a month over 5 years is not that bad, cept they're paying just lump sums. I thought I'd go talk with an outfit like JG Wentworth or something, get it all in one lump sum, and be done with it. But its what I just hate big corporations. Big corporations seldom keep their words, much less the big wheels in charge of those corporations, as long as their bills and lives are not interrupted they're happy, while other people suffer. This put me in contention with my partner at the shop Rick, and my creditors. The club suggested going and visiting with an attorney to see if we could motivate this Metro outfit , but I'm waiting on a response, which most likely will not happen until Tuesday, since Monday is another Federal holiday. It's no dang surprise that our nation are in a trade and economic deficit, we have too many reasons for people to take days off, instead of work. Guess the rest of the people don't pilot a tow truck since only us in towing knows what full dedication to our duties is, since we do it 24 hours, 365 days a year. For us lunch and a nap is a hoggie sandwhich in the truck cab with our legs propped on the dash and head against the rear corner by the door. Oh if its cold, we do carry a blanket. 
Metro and all says next week, we'll see. Just wish when someone says something, they carry through. 
So now back rents on the shop are holding, other bills holding, and hey its a 3 day holiday, so Metro Creditors Trust execs go home have fun and I sit here and stress. 
Any mile keep ya'll up to date, more on this on my radiuo show at 20:00 Hours Mountain Time on 
Later Ya'll