Tuesday, April 12, 2016

And you thought you had a long day and complicated life

If you thought you had a long day and complicated life, I'll gladly trade you. First , you know who says she's got a bun in the oven. Really? Unless its imaculate conception, it ain't mine. There was an attempt once at intamacy, but it never took off, plus my mind could not wrap itself around the idea of even kissing let alone getting personal and doing the wyld thing with her. Sorry sister that dog ain't going to hunt. Then she started bellering, that I didn't love her, that it was all a scam and so on. Well let's look at it. First the entire idea was for her to come out and co write for HazzardAyre Radio/Dixie-Nation TV. She barely can write, has no idea how to use a computer, and can't even get it into first even if she could put it in gear. So it was that the concept of, hey this could develope into something more, but from word go after she got off the bus, and beyond two days, after Church, even my Bishop said it wouldn't work, and it was argue , and bitch for a month. At the end of March I said time to go home, your not staying here. Guess what, no money. By mid week a fight breaks out that required the law, she moves into a motel, where's that money coming from? So yestrday I said if I were to get that kind of cash in my stash, I might, I said MIGHT  consider a reconcile and let her move back here. I know big heart, oh yea I didn't love or care, bullshit. Tell me any other male corpuscle that would take the verbal abuse I did, that put his way of making a living aside to care for her, go to the degree I did for a person if they didn't care and even announce to the world including the club that I intended to get hitched to her, and say I was fibbing. Bullshit. So last night she texts me on FB, about how she wants me to leave her alone, so I said fine. About that time, saw Mirinda on line, saying she was gettin hitched, cept she needed a groom, of which I'm all into. Mirinda pulled me out of a pool of quick sand, from helping me heal from Glenn's Ferry, to giving me access to her wifi, to the long talks in the mornings in front of her house in Gooding, and that good coffee she served. If there was anybody that I would take seriously the idea of getting hitched to, it'd be Mirinda. Her kids are some of the coolest kids on earth, and even when it wasn't expected, I did the watering her garden, and weeding it, she put a $20.00 in my pocket. I wasn't expecting it, tried to give it back, but she put it back in my shirt pocket. More to that story, on air tonight , but dig this; Mirinda knows how to drive a stock car, infact drive period. I could fall asleep with her at the wheel. One night we went to Riddley's there in Gooding, many there thought her and I were together, and said we made a good looking couple. Going past that, she named her race team in memory of me, Rebel Racing. But I have about as much chance of that happening as far as getting hitched to her as I do of winning the Idaho Lottery. In fact a better chance at winning the lottery. But Mirinda is a dear sweet friend of whom I'll always treasure the time, we had together. And in closing that segment, Mirinda is one of only 4 voting patched women members of the Knytes-of-Dixie. Not one of the auxiliary Ladies-of-the Knytes, but a full voting, full patched members. So yes she is important to me. So then.
Went out to General JaXson, low oil, put in a quart, but he needs 3 more, so lack of funds due to you know who, can't go very far, but I am looking at a relocation to Pocky. 
Then, you know who, was saying a bunch of crap, on see me in court and all for what? A relationship that went sour? Nobody in this town would believe that I could get serious with or about her. Even if I thought about going forward what she said on FB last night ,. Killed that plan. 
So if you think your day got long and had a complicated life, I'll gladly trade yours for mine.