Sunday, December 5, 2010

Imagine if there was no CSpan , we need to get a Duke in DC


I was watching early Saturday morning the debate on the Senate floor, concerning the Bush Tax cut extension, and the underlying consideration of extending Unemployment payments. First, I say anyone making over $250K ought to be paying more in income taxes than those making well under that, including SMB’s . The big corporations should be shouldering the burden of digging us out of the economic sand trap we are in , in this Union. Second , I truly think for those out of work, with jobs being thinner than the beer at the Boars Nest, that Unemployment payments ought to be extended. But what I’d rather see, if the Feds want to do something serious, is to award everyone in the Union, a one time gift of say $150K, which might allow some folks to expand or rebuild, or even start a SMB(Small , Medium sized Business). This way a few folks could get hired, meaning more money going into the coffers of city, state and even Federal Governments. Give people the ability, to earn, rather than just sponge. Even I, would give up my SSA if I got a one time gift of a $150K, to expand my company. Shit then I would not have to use 450.00 a month of the $674.00 I get from SSA, plus having to use $750.00 a month from the $1,500.00 Military pension I get each month. Just to keep AyreWolf Aviation and Dixie Towing, going towing and flying.

But I got to thinking, what would these politicians do, if their every move was not being watched on TV? Granted few do, since debate on the floor of the House or Senate is not as exciting as Keeping up with the Kardashians, or such , but these scoundrels we all elect every other year, speak a great song, until they get elected, then its like, I met you where? The only, and I say this right strongly, the only Congressman that really listened, was good ole Ben Jones, who played me on TV as good ole Cooter on the TV show, Dukes-of-Hazzard, that will forever be in the hearts of all Knytes-of-Anarchy members.

Yes Cooter was a two term Congressman from the state of Georgia as a Democrat. Many voted Republican this last election. I didn’t. I voted straight CNP (Confederate,National,Party) Except for Governor. For that, I voted Independent candidate, Jana Kemp.

With that all said, what we need to do is elect a Duke to office, send a bit of Hazzard County to DC. Can you say Bo Duke for President? How about Deputy Enos? Yep what we need in DC is a Duke or at least a Knyte.

Stay Tuned.

L8R Confederates

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Quote of the day:
Sanity calms, but madness is more interesting. - John Russell
John 10:7, 9-10“Therefore Jesus said again, “I tell you the truth, I am the gate for the sheep. I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. He will come in and go out, and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

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