Saturday, December 4, 2010

America might become more humble

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Now that the Union Yankee congress has cut the purse strings of unemployment insurance payments, in the guise of saving money to reduce the domestic debt, perhaps a few of the high and mighty, might get to being a bit more humble. The fact that jobs are as few as meat on a turkey drumstick in from of Boss Hogg, there are some, what some might call menial jobs out there. The fact that digging ditch, loading hay bales, milking cows or shoveling manure is not like sitting in a comfortable ergonomically contoured chair in front of a computer in an air conditioned office. But hey, shoveling shit is still a job. No it does not pay $200K a year, but income, is income.

Granted the menial jobs, are held by migrant workers, but if you want and now perhaps need to work, you CAN FIND work.

All too many that were on unemployment pay checks got lazy. Who wants to go look for work, or take, even lower paying  jobs, when a few hours looking satisfies the requirements and yet you go home sack out on the couch and vegetate. Two years ago, when the Knytes searched for sales, and on air help in our media werx, few wanted to work, for what we could pay. After all they could go home, curl up on the couch, and chow down. Only one stepped up and busted butt. And remains VP, of Southern Steele Media/Confederate Star Network.

Just like a few weeks ago now, the Boise State University Bronco’s thinking they were all that, got brought down, hard. My mom used to say the, bird that flys too high, usually ends up in a cow pie.

Now that a few more have been brought down to earth, perhaps those same people might be open to hearing the message of the modern confederacy, and the Knytes-of-Anarchy.

Nuff said

L8R Knytes

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Quote of the day:
You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist. - Indira Gandhi
John 8:12“[The Validity of Jesus’ Testimony] When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.””

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