Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Our Happy Birthday this Friday and its been a rough road, but I'm pleased with our creation

This Friday marks the 6th year Birthday of the birth of HazzardAyre Radio. In that 7 years it has been an uphill struggle but it was a bolt of lightning from above and a divine idea plugged into my head one night in Buhl Idaho as I was in bed . HazzardAyre was not the first journey into radio, or broadcasting, prior to that, we had been on syndicated radio from Highway Hooker Radio for those who tow, to Samcro Radio for those who love two wheels. In between was Dixie Diesel, and FarmShop Radio. Of course in 1999 we started our entry into the world of military aviation memorial radio with AyreWolf Radio. It was in 2009 that in Gooding Idaho we were producing 12 different shows for various parts of both the Knytes as well as what had become The AyreWolvez. When our station collapsed due to too rapid of growth and disgruntled future employees along with an asshole landlord of our studio office , that I moved to Bliss Idaho, then to Buhl Idaho. No equipment, no nothing but an old small mixer and a laptop computer. When all of a sudden one night I was sound asleep dreaming of places and times, when I was thinking what to do with our creation for both Hazzard County and all things Dukes, as well as all things Military aviation. A competing online network jumped up called Warbird Radio, and I thought, my we can do better than that. So There I was asleep, how do we blend it together and simplify it all. When I got the name Hazzard-Ayre. Which is Hazzard County Radio and AyreWolf Radio scrunched together. At first HazzardAyre was to be both a simple podcast along with a printed published newspaper thing, for both gear heads and Dukes fans along with those who are enthusiasts of military aviation. At first we only had a 10 watt transmitter, barely an FCC license, and a limited play list. But we had 10 people who believed , and as such we grew, into this one of and loved online and over the air radio thing we call HazzardAyre. www.livestream.com/hazzardayre . Along with 30 syndicated stations and being online, we are reaching more Dukes and all things southern cultured Hazzard County, people as well as more and more military aviation lovers. 
We plan on having some kind of celebration bash here, at the Legal Tender here in Evanston Wyoming, let you know more mid week, but I can say we are thee online and over the air radio experience for southern fried radio. 
I'll explore the reason for female models and so on next time.