Saturday, September 30, 2017

It's not just sites its the facshists at these social networks as well. WordPress is one of those

wElcome to Our Hazzard County. Before I get into my normal yappin here need to say thank you to Bunn Insurance of Wendell Idaho, Happy Happy Auto LLC of Wendell Idaho and a few others for helping to get me mobile again, at least expanded mobile. Since ye ole General JaXson is ready to be lowered into his casket, and rest his old strained parts, I needed a car. Sure the Lil Wolf could have gotten the job done, but with a dead short that I cain't find anywhere unless I leave it running no restart without help.
The new to me Saturn will bear the name Traveler, or the same name as General Robert E. Lee's horse. And yes in time all Confederate southern. 
Which brings me to a article I read in the Copperhead Chronicle . On a certain website for the Confederate Society being blocked and all that, well I checked and I got in and saw a fantastic website. Must have been the narrow sited librarian that Old Al was in contact with.
Seems as all these people that are so pro Confederate and such are overall, mostly growl but no bite. The few that try to bite, have their teeth pulled since there's no traction to their action.
The Politicly Correct movement that ought to be flushed with another kind of movement, seem to have control over every kind of social site on the web, and are able to block to their whim, anything that seems to go contrary to their desires or agendas. 
Out of them all WordPress is a pain in the ass. And why I will not ever pay to have them host or be in creation of a site for the Knytes. No how no way. 
Since 2004 I have had the pleasure of working on the Blogger platform, from Google. While some features have been removed and Blogger aka Google yanked the ability to create blog sites through Windows LiveWriter, still most of what I have to bark and howl about gets done.
Now true fb and a few others turn their noses up at anything Confederate. America has blinded itself by Yankee propaganda against anything Confederate. Even Confederates have lost their desires to hold onto those things that are southern heritage and history. More over willing to not only remember the past but stand up for and on our Confederate platform to change the future. 
It's terrible, and the worst part of it, nobody is willing to say they were mistaken, when they cast their vote for Donald Trump. All the Don is for are the aristocrats and millionaires. Not us home town rural hard working Americans. Granted Hilary Clinton wasn't the best choice, but until she got nominated there were several other choices. More over I did not see one single girrgle from anyone running on the Confederate States or Confederate National Party platform. Although I barked and howled for more of ya'll to step up to that, put together a treasure chest to get the Confederate States Party or the Confederate National Party in front of voters across America, yes we need to expand the vision of the Confederacy beyond the southern states and drench all this nation with the truth. That's why we have the radio network, that's why I produce a radio show or two, its out there, but does anyone outside of the Knytes or the WolfPack, put up any money to help keep it going? Even today, I chatted with the site engineer for CenturyLink. To get a internet connection stiff and stout enough to support the radio network, since the bill to Cable-One was near $2,000.00 searching for an alternative. The bottom line this is going to cost us a heap just to put the package together. Unless I once again, pull up anchor, and relocate the radio op, to either metro Utah, or even Evanston Wyoming, The radio op if we finally do go CenturyLink, is going to cost us somewhere in the area of about $10k, if not more. Is it worth it? Yes, since if I can get one Northener or one Yankee kid to stand up to be counted for the Confederacy, if I can get just one school class to sit up and listen to the truth about the war of northern aggression. Then yes its worth it. Look Trump is a thief , and a carpetbagger. Half of the people he brought on when he got elected have been given the boot. We have Trump people being in bed with Russians over the misdirection of the election in this nation. Trump is not taking blame nor accountability to what happened. Now we have some Korean in power that wants to blow us up with nuclear weapons. Not only has shit hit the fan its blowing all over the place. If ya'll don't support the Knytes as well as HazzardAyre Radio that's your choice, but if ya'll don't step up and support the Confederacy, then the end is not only here but banging down the door. 
Web censorship is all over the place, no matter the social site. Politicians are ready to remove our Dixie Nation's monuments and memorials. Yes I stand when I hear the star spangled banner, but only if the Dixie National Anthem is playing do I put my hand over my heart. 
This flag 
 Does not mean hate no incivility, This flag means love and a dedication to a nation that was cheated out of everything due to greed. This symbol 
is derived from the cross of Saint Andrew God's superior Angel 
Yet few understand it and even fewer want to salute it, even our Confederate brethren, its time to quit snivling and stand up or one day be at the mercy of a one world Government , long before the return of our God Almighty. 
More on the Traveler and again thanks to all the people today that helped make it happen.